I hope our Russian friends are all well after that meteor last weekend. See! We know who you are... well, OK... maybe not who but where you are. :) You'll have to let us know if any cool rocks and crystals show up from the impact. One of my favorite crystals is moldavite and I have jewelry in both the natural state and polished stone state. Moldavite is very high energy and is said to help you connect with the star realms. This link will show you images of both on Google. (For those looking for more information on uses for moldavite, here's an excellent page: http://www.crystalvaults.com/crystal-encyclopedia/moldavite)
For the last several weeks I've been looking at complimentary / alternative cancer treatments. My mom died from cancer in 2004, on of her sisters just underwent cancer treatment on Friday (different type from mom's), and over the last couple of years a number of folks I've worked with at the day job have left for medical reasons, some in remission, some who the medical establishment gave a terminal with 3-4 months to live diagnosis. (Yes, part of me is thinking that government building is a "sick" building...). At least 7 cases that I know of; most women but also 2 men. Sick building and a lot of miserable, bitter people who've been stuck in jobs they didn't hate when they got them, but bad management that gets worse does indeed take a toll on workers with increased stress levels.
So many times I've been happy not to be a government employee but merely "contractor scum." LOL. At least contractors are treated as adults. As a manger I firmly believe and have seen it play out time and again that if you treat people as children they will act as children; if you treat them as adults and they will act as adults. People rise to the level of your expectations and if you expect them to perform in the top 10% (yes, I believe in A's...not "perfection" but certainly excellence. Sidebar: I once had a manager (who had been a high school English teach before joining the real world and when I walked into my first review with her she explained that she didn't hand out the top rating no matter how hard you worked or how good you were because "no one's perfect." WTF? Obviously she wasn't a science major! Us science majors know you didn't have to be "perfect" to be excellent --you don't have to get 100% for excellence; you only need 90% on straight percentage. But, I digress...)
Anyway, with all of these co-workers getting diagnosed with some sort of cancer, my family history, and my elderly Afghan Hound mixed dog (he'll be 14 in July and Afghan's usually pass from cancer) I've been looking pretty hard at the alternative treatments and there are plenty out there depending on what mode you're looking for. I concentrated in the herb arena to see what there was, and I was quite surprised! There are herbs & herb mixtures taken as tea infusions, some are made into poultices, and some are used in drawing salves.
I also quickly became aware that none can legally claim any actions for these herbs when they sell them because they are not FDA or AMA approved for that purpose. Herbs are considered "dietary supplements." I've also run across some very knowledgeable naturopaths who have clearly had to structure their websites as "members only" (with free membership) to satisfy some law or regulation to be able to supply the herbs, vitamins, and treatments they do. The Herbal Healer Academy is on of those and I was quite drawn to her site & supplies because of her background (microbiologist) and story---she had a son that western medicine and one of the best hospitals in the country could not help. She did her research and not only helped him but cured him. This isn't the first time I've heard that kind of story. Several years back I also knew an acupuncturist who had the same type of story. At that time she was an engineer and western medicine gave her a terminal sentence. She did her research and went to acupuncture college and has been well ever since. In the US acupuncturists generally have a MS and there are usually both federal and state licenses they have to sit for. At the federal level, there are two separate exams: one for herbs (traditional Chinese) and one for acupuncture.
So, I settled on ordering the herbs to make Essiac Tea (the ones from the Herbal Healer Academy are pre-measured in ziplock bags, then stapled together so you can't get them all confused). Essiac has quite an interesting history and there are 4 videos on YouTube about it. They run about 7-8 minutes each; the first one goes into the controversy around it then towards the end you start hearing from Rene in her own words. It looks like they were made in the 70s... yes. Rene died in 1978.
This 4-herb mixture (sheep sorrel, burdock root, slippery elm bark & Turkish or regular rhubarb root) has been known to western medicine since the 1920s. Rene's Canadian clinic was only allowed to treat those who had a medical diagnosis of terminal with nothing else they could do for them. You not only hear from Rene in these videos, but her ex-patients as well. Yes, they were still alive and well long after her treatments.
The story behind the herb mixture is an interesting one. Apparently it came from the Ojibway Indians. :) I have seen stats claiming that the survival rate for essiac treatment was 90% no matter what stage. I've also seen stats that claim unless western medicine catches cancer in its earliest stages where the survival rate is 90%, then the survival rate drops to 10%. The patients usually died from the damage from the radiation, chemo, and surgery (the only 3 approved treatments). But you have to do the leg work, the research and decide for yourselves. I will tell you that I made a batch of it last weekend and have 5 quarts in the fridge. It's said that it's also good for other chronic conditions. I've been adding 1-2 cups in my bathwater for the last week. My mom died from melanoma that metastacized. Melanoma is extremely aggressive and even with surgery & chemo, it took her in about 2.5 yrs. Mom used to get sunburns and sun poisoning, and I have her skin. In fact, she tanned better than I ever did---I just burned and still do. In fact during my last trip to Florida I got sun poisoning on the second day. Sun poisoning is an actual allergic reaction to the sun where your skin swells & itches & burns. There's not a lot you can do but take benadryl, use topical treatments, and stay out of the sun. Anyway, knowing what we now know about melanoma --- that it's a spontaneous mutation with a genetic component --- and that my skin was quite damaged in my youth (grew up in the 70s w/ baby oil frying the body but have since then protected the alabaster white skin), I've decided to see if we can't head off some skin issues by putting Essiac in my bathwater. And oh yea, my elderly doggie is getting dog biscuits soaked in it. :) [2014 Update: We've opened an herbal shop on Etsy and have made and are carrying Essiac 4-herb salve for those who don't want to make their own. Currently only shipping to the US but if you're in Canada or elsewhere, just contact me and I can check on the shipping. https://www.etsy.com/shop/LunaWellnessHerbals]
And finally, one other item on curing cancer. This is a book from Amazon about Dr. Emanuel Revici, who was the Einstein of medicine. He made his own meds and his cure rate, much like the essiac herbs, was over 90% once again on those patients who western medicine could no longer help. The problem was, the AMA had a problems with him...
Until next time, be well & be blessed & be in the light.... Here's an affirmation for good health: "Divine health fills me & surrounds me, inside and out, in each and every cell of my body, inside and out of each and every cell in my body..."