Sunday, December 15, 2013

"Teaching" emotions

This is a follow on to the updated entry I made about us apparently not teaching our little ones & younger ones how to handle their "negative" emotions, as well as my little rant about emotions being what make us human. :)

I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking that dampening down our emotions is bad for us. Dolores Cannon said this about them:

The emotions that have the most to teach us are anger, hate, fear, jealousy, disgust, impatience, shame, pride, pity, indignation, envy, worry and guilt. Many refer to these as negative, but I think that makes them less constructive, so I will call them the Teaching Emotions. They teach us so much about ourselves if we will only look.....
Emotions are what make us different from every other being in the cosmos, and these emotions are only available on this plane. We can’t get this kind of intense training anyplace else.
Dolores is a world-class hypnotist/hypnotherapist. You can read her full blog about the teaching emotions and how emotions are the language of the body here:

What she's talking about is well known to hypnotists/hypnotherapists (and even energy healing workers and massage therapists): cellular memory. Even when we do not consciously remember a thing, whether that's from this life or a past / other life, often our body remembers as well as our subconscious. Birth marks on the body where we suffered a mortal injury in a past / other live. Rashes that appear for no reason but the root cause found in hypnosis was being burned alive in another lifetime. Weight management issues whose root cause is starvation in another life time. And even cancer because at some point we were told we shouldn't be here in some way, shape, or form. The list goes on and on and on. 

That list of "teaching emotions" is the list of the strongest emotions known to human beings. And of all of those emotions, there is only one that is stronger:  love.

Remember that where you focus your energy and your attention is what you draw into your life. Let's all try and focus on the love & peace vibe a little more this holiday season. 
love & peace blessing to us all,