Thursday, November 8, 2012

essential oil spritzers for space clearing

I'm not sure if I've mentioned it in here (but I have in my book) that you can make essential oil spritzer sprays to use in areas where burning incense or candles isn't really acceptable, like your cube at work. You can also use these spritzers in the car and around the house if you share your space with someone who has asthma or breathing issues (the smoke from incense and smudging isn't really good for them). These sprays are very light since the biggest ingredient is filtered / distilled / blessed water. And since our homes can get a bit static-ey in the winter (unless you have the humidifier way up ;>), you could also use these in large pots of hot water, either on your cook stove or wood stove (many of which can be used for also baking and warming food) to clear and scent the home. Yes, you can even put them in a stove-top humidifier and I bet they'd work just as well in a warm mist humidifier (electric), but the oils might discolor the plastic.  :)

The basic oils used in the space clearing spritzer spray are listed below. Play with the amounts and proportions of the oils, following your intuition and your nose. :) You may even find some scents that you want to put into a single oil spray. A few of my favorite oils for that Rosewood, Amber Attar, and Dragon's Blood. Dragon's Blood is an especially powerful cleanser and it clears things the others can't. (Spraying or burning Dragon's Blood and calling on Archangel Michael will clear Anything and Everything!) 

When I mixed up the batch below and used it in the office the first time, I had folks drifting over from other parts of the office asking about it. What they keyed in on was the Rosewood woodsy-spicy scent. Everyone who smells the spritzer with the Rosewood as the strongest note LOVES it! This mix (and especially the Rosewood) is quite grounding (helps w/ staying focused at work) yet clears and opens all energy centers.

Here's the clearing mixture for a 4 oz batch, with the oils listed most to least amounts: 
  • Rosewood (10-20 drops)
  • Frankincense (6-7 drops)
  • Helichrysum (2-4 drops) --- very strong scent
  • Orange (4-5 drops)
  • Juniper Berry (2-4 drops) --- very strong scent
  • Myrrh (1-3 drops)
Start with the oils used in the smallest amounts and work your way up. Add them to a base of filtered water in a spray bottle (4 oz). You can either clear/infuse with Reiki/Healing Energy separately or as the finished mixture. Experiment with the proportions and use what your intuition (and nose) tells you. :) Enjoy!