I just watched an interesting episode on the Smithsonian channel (free) via my Roku box for streaming. (You can also watch it on the web.)
Money Saving Tip! Another way to save $$$: I cut loose all cable / satellite TV some years ago and don't miss it at all w/ my streaming ability. The Roku box only costs you once and you can stream NetFlix and a number of other channels (many for free) for a fraction of what your cable TV costs. I supplement w/ digital rabbit ears to pull in local stations (all of which are broadcasting in HD for free) for traffic & weather. I do keep the boxes hardwired w/ an Ethernet connection because it's faster than wireless. (So you'd need to add a couple routers and cable, which rarely need replaced.) Just think of how much cash you could save --- upwards of $100/month easily!
This episode is titled: Decoding Immortality and it talks about the telomeres in our cells that control aging. Shorter telomeres equal shorter life while longer ones equal longer life. Biologists have known about telomeres since they first started studying genetics in the 50s and how they are related to the aging of cells. What is new information, however, is that some studies have now been done (see the episode) that firmly show how stress reduction (meditation, yoga, life style changes) lengthens the telomeres, meaning a longer life. The study was done with men who had been diagnosed with prostate cancer.
I would add to that list for stress reduction: self-hypnosis, energy healing / Reiki, gardening (digging in dirt has also been shown to scientifically reduce stress levels, as any gardner could have told you, and be very grounding for those of us needing to re-connect in a very real and concrete way w/ Mother Earth), petting animals, creating art (drawing, painting, music) and just soaking up nature in every way shape and form possible. But don't take my word for it --- please, try some of these activities yourself, watch the vid, and let us know if you feel better. :)