Monday, December 30, 2013

Reed Diffusers can distribute more than just scent in your home --- use the clearing essential oil mix in a reed diffuser for those areas you're having trouble keeping clear

Having trouble clearing out everyone else's energies from your home after the holidays? Sometimes folks (especially family) leave behind more bits and pieces of themselves than you'd like. Old patterns of behavior and old relationships usually find new energy when all the players are together again, so if you need some help clearing your space of all that energy that you'd rather not have around (since everyone has now returned to their own homes) here's something to help. Just set up a couple of these before you start the rest of the cleaning and picking up so they can work on the energies while you work on the rest of it. :)

This idea is something I've been using around my own home the last couple of months because I was getting tired of spritzing and spraying and burning incense every time I turned around and it seems to be working well.

The new dogs are quite sensitive to the energies in the house (even more than me), so keeping it all clear so they won't growl and bark at nothing and freak me out ;>) has been a chore, so I decided to try using the mix of essential oils I've been putting in a spritzer but instead put them in a carrier oil (4 oz) with reeds for dispersal. I have two of these set up --- one uses coconut oil (unscented, liquid) and the other olive oil (the quality you would use for making salves, creams, and lotions) and they've been working great!

The purple one has the olive oil carrier while the blue one has the coconut oil carrier.

Olive oil carrier oil & clearing mix of essential oils

Notice the nice golden color the olive oil presents.

Coconut oil carrier & clearing mix of essential oils
The coconut oil carrier oil is from the second pressing of the coconut, so not only is it liquid it doesn't add the coconut scent to the mix. It's also much lighter in color than the olive oil, so I expect it will evaporate more quickly as well. 

For those who don't know the clearing mix, here it is again. Just replace the 4 oz of water with 4 oz of carrier oil instead and place them around the house. Replace as needed. 

If you're being troubled while you sleep (nightmares, can't stay asleep, hearing things (you think), be sure to put one in the bedroom. We are most vulnerable and open to being approached by other realms while we sleep. That half asleep - half awake state is actually a trance state and our brainwaves are usually in at least an alpha brainwave pattern if not theta waves. 

Here's the clearing mixture for a 4 oz batch, with the oils listed most to least amounts: 
  • Rosewood (10-20 drops)
  • Frankincense (6-7 drops)
  • Helichrysum (2-4 drops) --- very strong scent
  • Orange (4-5 drops)
  • Juniper Berry (2-4 drops) --- very strong scent
  • Myrrh (1-3 drops)
Start with the oils used in the smallest amounts and work your way up. Add them to a base of 4 oz of carrier oil in a reed diffuser bottle large enough to hold it. You can infuse with Reiki/Healing Energy separately or as the finished mixture. Experiment with the proportions and use what your intuition (and nose) tells you. 

If the space is *really* hard to keep clear, use dragon's blood essential oil with the carrier oil instead, and make it strong enough for you to smell. 

Add 6 to 8 reed diffusers and enjoy not clearing your space every time you turn around!  :) 

Sunday, December 15, 2013

"Teaching" emotions

This is a follow on to the updated entry I made about us apparently not teaching our little ones & younger ones how to handle their "negative" emotions, as well as my little rant about emotions being what make us human. :)

I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking that dampening down our emotions is bad for us. Dolores Cannon said this about them:

The emotions that have the most to teach us are anger, hate, fear, jealousy, disgust, impatience, shame, pride, pity, indignation, envy, worry and guilt. Many refer to these as negative, but I think that makes them less constructive, so I will call them the Teaching Emotions. They teach us so much about ourselves if we will only look.....
Emotions are what make us different from every other being in the cosmos, and these emotions are only available on this plane. We can’t get this kind of intense training anyplace else.
Dolores is a world-class hypnotist/hypnotherapist. You can read her full blog about the teaching emotions and how emotions are the language of the body here:

What she's talking about is well known to hypnotists/hypnotherapists (and even energy healing workers and massage therapists): cellular memory. Even when we do not consciously remember a thing, whether that's from this life or a past / other life, often our body remembers as well as our subconscious. Birth marks on the body where we suffered a mortal injury in a past / other live. Rashes that appear for no reason but the root cause found in hypnosis was being burned alive in another lifetime. Weight management issues whose root cause is starvation in another life time. And even cancer because at some point we were told we shouldn't be here in some way, shape, or form. The list goes on and on and on. 

That list of "teaching emotions" is the list of the strongest emotions known to human beings. And of all of those emotions, there is only one that is stronger:  love.

Remember that where you focus your energy and your attention is what you draw into your life. Let's all try and focus on the love & peace vibe a little more this holiday season. 
love & peace blessing to us all,

Update to soul contracts, evolving ascension & crazy shootings posted

Friday, December 13, 2013

St. Francis & rescue dogs: strange creatures called Afghan Hounds

A lot has happened since my last post here: I changed my day job (yes, the one where I'd been for the last 9+ years as a contractor in a US government agency) for one in IT security in the healthcare industry that allowed me to telecommute about 4 days a week. It's been very good for me --- my stress levels have gone waaayyyy down, I've lost about 30 lbs w/o even trying (not eating on the run and walking the new doggies at lunch time), and St. Francis also saw fit to send a couple of rescue Afghan Hounds my way after both of my elderly furry doggie companions passed --- first Shannon, an Australian Shepherd mix who I rescued from the Denver Dumb Friends League in 2003 to keep Barely (or Bearly or Bear Lee of the southern Lees ;>), an Afghan Hound and Chow mix who found me in when he was 8 weeks old in 1999, company while I was at work, and then Bearly. Shannon passed in June and Bearly in August.  Needless to say, I was quite depressed and weepy for most of the summer.

And just when I decided I wasn't going to have fuzzy children for a while (all of my children are fuzzy, furry, or feathered) for some reason I got in my head I have to have Afghan Hounds. Pure. I talked to a local breeder about buying an older girl, but it just didn't feel right. Then some of the rescue folks I'd been talking to pointed me to about 8 of them that had come from a breeder in Ohio. And silly me makes a phone call to the Humane Society where they were then books a flight (non refundable, one way because the timing just happened to work out such that my partner had been visiting family in Atlanta and New York and was driving back cross country to Colorado the week I booked the flight to pick up the dogs.  Hmmmm..... serendipity? You betcha!) before finding out the "Afghan Hound social workers" needed to visit my home before blessing the adoption because the Afghan Hound Rescue folks were also involved. Of course they passed me and with the new flexible job I had I was able to make up the work hours before and after the trip.  

St. Francis is the one responsible for my craziness...and for making sure that the furry ones who needs us (and who we need) connect with us. I knew for certain once I saw them that I had done the right thing, because I heard loudly in my mind "mom!" from Phoenix the first time he saw me as he jumped up and place his paws on the chain link fence. (Phoenix is very tall when he stands on his back legs --- as tall as me and I'm 5'6".  If you remember, I also heard Shannon say "mom, I'm OK now" shortly after her passing. Bearly didn't talk before or after, but I did see him after standing in the back yard looking into the green space with the wind in his hair, and he was quite happy and well again.)

The new family members are Phoenix (as in the fire bird rising from the ashes) who is about 16 months old and is still very much puppy inside (down to chewing all things in sight! lol) and Flutter who is about 5 years. The Humane Society folks in Ohio renamed her this because of a fluttering sound she makes when happy (along w/ showing her teeth in the widest grin I've ever seen on a dog!) which sounds amazingly like a small horse! LOL. Flutter is also Phoenix's grandmother. Pics are below for the other critter lovers out there. :)



Phoenix in foreground; Flutter farther back

Afghan Hounds are really the misunderstood breed in the dog world. They are extremely smart and catch on very fast. They just don't always feel the need to do what *you* want them to do. :D  They are also very sensitive creatures and need a light hand when training. So you can see why the "Afghan Hound Social workers" for the rescue folks are quite careful about placement. If you have not been around Affies they can seem very un-dog like and very cat like (they are). My partner calls them "fuzzy people who are quite strange creatures." <laughing> They are thieves and steal from each other and their people constantly. Theft is a favorite game and how they survived for generations upon generations. They are also athletes and built for running in sharp mountain areas --- top speed is 40 mph --- so they have very big fuzzy feet. The only dogs faster are greyhounds, who's top speed is 45 mph. Yes, I've already chased Phoenix around the neighborhood in my fleece jammies & slippers. I now no longer use my front door but go out through the garage for packages and such because it's like an air lock for doggies. ;>

Of the two, Phoenix is quite a bit smarter than Flutter (he "gets" new things after only being shown a couple of times (much like my Bearly dog did) while Flutter needs more time and more treats to "get" new things ---- like how to use the dog door. Even now several months later, occasionally she'll get in a mood and think the humans should open the door to the yard for Queen Flutter instead of making her use the dog door. (ROFL!) She barks for a human to open the door when in this mood.... "Human slave, open the big door for Queen Flutter..."

Phoenix on the other had is like the class clown. He's silly and goofy and seems to like to make his humans laugh. And he has brought a lot of joy (they both have really) at a time when I really needed it.

Both of them were having nightmares when I brought them home, although the Affie Rescue folks I talked to said they were neglected and not abused. They were in a kennel with about 20 other dogs. Flutter, god bless her, still wants to guard the food some ---- I have the distinct impression that in her 5 years she had to fight / intimidate the other dogs to get her share of things, and I expect she's had at least a couple of litters. She is indeed an alpha bitch Queen. ;)  And little Phoenix (even though he is bigger) lets her have whatever she wants.

Phoenix, besides the goofiness and humour, is a momma's boy. He hides behind me after stealing things from Flutter and whines and carries on and is quite vocal and opinionated about things. I've often said if he were a cat, he'd be Siamese.

Flutter would wake growling until very recently --- again, I think it's from being in a kennel with so many other dogs and having to constantly be on her guard. I keep reassuring her that there will always be enough food and that she doesn't have to guard it. I've also been doing Reiki / energy healing on her quite regularly and she does enjoy that. She's even gotten to the point now where she will let me take things (including treats) away from her without growling and she'll let me love her after dark as well (she is definitely a morning dog. They both are.), so we are seeing some big improvements.

Phoenix also has nightmares and they are getting fewer. Of the two, Flutter, because of her age, has suffered more because of the neglect because she was exposed to it longer --- for 5 years --- so her behaviors show it more and she has been slower to trust. Phoenix shows the greatest separation anxiety and me being able to telecommute for most of the work week has been a huge blessing as far as helping to reassure him than when I leave I come back and for bonding with the two of them. They are my "assistants" while I work.

It will take some time, and I'm constantly asking St. Francis & Archangel Raphael to help me with the two of them, especially Flutter. I'm seeing more and more of her "happy face" these days (especially in the morning) and I'm hoping soon that the nightmares will be a thing of the past for both of them. My older doggies also had nightmares when they were younger and they became fewer and farther between as they got older, so I'm expecting the same will happen w/ the affies.

So, a few tips if there are some other new dog rescuers out there: 
  • Take some Bach's Rescue Remedy with you when you pick them up. I used it on both for the first few weeks until they started ducking and running from it. The dogs will let you know when they've had enough.
  • If you are a Reiki Master or Healing Energy practitioner, use it on the doggies. It helps calm them and also builds trust with you. The same rule of thumb applies: when they've had enough they'll let you know. If they're awake, they'll just get up and move away.
  • Use a lot of praise and treats early on to help build the trust & love. Even after you've had to correct some not-so-good behavior, then find a reason to give them praise and encouragement. This also lets them know that you still love them even after they've been bad. For my Affies, them coming when I call gets a treat from me. :)
  • Remember, they have the intelligence of about a 3-4 year old when full grown. So a lot of things you would do for children who have been neglected or mistreated you do for the doggies, too. Be consistent. Provide a safe, stable environment. Give lots of love and have lots of patience. Provide lots of praise.
Until next time, enjoy your furry babies as much as I do. :)

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Was Jeshua a Lightworker? (Lord's Prayer transliteration from Aramaic directly to English)

I ran across this direct translation of the Lord's Prayer from Aramaic to English (instead of from Aramaic to Greek to Latin to English) and just wanted to share it since one of my many projects lately has been going back to the example of Jeshua (Jesus' given name in Hebrew) and the life of love he led. Not the dogma. Not the religion the church made of him, but the example and the wisdom shared in the language they were shared in without any of the multiple translation errors that ended up in the King James version of the bible. 

As many of you may know, I (and many others like me --- old souls who have been burned more than once or killed, maimed, and tortured in past lives for speaking our truth) had a real problem with the teacher & ascended master of "Jesus" since I had a real problem with organized religion of any flavor. Making peace with Jeshua or Sananda was very difficult for me and a very big deal when my issues w/ this particular teacher surfaced during a series of meditation classes on Opening to the Divine. (See the Resources for Staying on Your Path section of my book for more information on those classes.) While working through those issues I learned that a lot of old souls or those whose beliefs tend more towards the unconventional, such as Wiccans, Pagans, and other "Earth Religion" folks have a similar problem with organized religion and this particular teacher specifically. There were a lot of heart issues involved there, and this particular teacher is about living in your heart so to work with the energy from this teacher, you've got to work it all through ---- and be able to get to forgiveness of the people (not the actions) on the other side. Anyway, I could say a lot more about just that aspect of my own growth work, and there have been a lot of books written about forgiveness and how it's necessary to your own healing. (See Louise Hay's books for starters.) 

What many seem to forget is that Jeshua was Jewish and his native tongue was Aramaic. Not Syrian Aramaic, but ancient Aramaic which is even older and even predates Hebrew. Yes, he probably spoke Latin and Greek as well as since most Rabbi's did (not to mention that Rabbi's are required to be married, but that's another bone). ;>  Anyway, here's the translation --- it's quite different and more in line with a much larger view of this teacher of love.
Oh Thou, from whom the breath of life comes, who fills all realms of sound, light and vibration.
May your light be experienced in my utmost holiest. Your Heavenly Domain approaches.
Let your will come true - in the universe (all that vibrates) just as on earth (that is material and dense).
Give us wisdom (understanding, assistance) for our daily need, detach the fetters of faults that bind us, (karma) like we let go the guilt of others.
Let us not be lost in superficial things (materialism, common temptations), but let us be freed from that what keeps us from our true purpose.
From You comes the all-working will, the lively strength to act, the song that beautifies all and renews itself from age to age.

Sealed in trust, faith and truth. (I confirm with my entire being)
Quite a bit different, wouldn't you agree? From that translation, the teacher sounds much more like a "lightworker" than anything else. ;>

Monday, June 17, 2013

lunar eclipses, morganite (pink emerald), ch-ch-ch-changes & death of long time pets

Wow has a lot happened in the last few months! There have been several lunar eclipses, one solar eclipse (more about those in a minute and what it means for changes), I have been wearing Morganite (aka pink emerald) the only stone known to bring your soul self closer so that it's easier for you to hear / understand which direction you're supposed to go at any given moment, and I also lost one of my elderly rescue doggy companions of many years. So, let's start with the Morganite then move on to eclipses and changes and I'll end talking about our pets and how much they teach us about unconditional love.
Morganite is also known as pink emerald and it is a heart stone. A very, very strong heart stone that works on feelings of love and trust. This link will show you some images on Google if you haven't seen it before. When I ran across this stone and went looking for its metaphysical properties there was only one source (Avalon Crystals) I ran across that mentioned this "bringing your soul closer" thing. So I let it peculate for a while because sometimes I'll feel pulled to a stone and it passes after whatever particular reason I needed it for passes, and sometimes  it doesn't pass quickly, meaning that I really need to purchase that stone and spend some time with it for some deeper issues. And this time, I kept going back to that one source who cited this stone for bringing the soul closer and keeping it closer to the physical body. So, I dug around on Amazon and found a decent size ring of about 1 carat for under $100 and bought it. (For more most stones need to be at least this size or larger for me to "feel" their effects with any power, and it may just be a "me thing.") And I have to tell you, the voice of the soul self (many call it the higher self or the divine self) is so much easier to hear now! Even without sitting in meditation for half an hour---just in day-to-day living---and it helps so much! OMG! I love this stone so much it only leaves my hand to shower or bathe! LOL I love this stone so much, I'm looking at adding some Morganite earrings to wear on those when I especially need to hear loud and clear which choices keep me aligned with my soul self best. Anyway, I just wanted to share this amazing stone with this amazing property.

Lunar Eclipses. Now at about the same time I'm digging around researching Morganite and window shopping for a piece of Morganite jewelry and finally purchasing this piece and starting to wear it, there were several lunar eclipses happening. The best Western Astrologer I know is Stephanie Jones and her information always seems to nail the psychological end of things on a personal level and then on a larger scale national and even planetary level. This what she was saying at about the same time (from May 27):
Powerful Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse last night. Stephanie Jones astrologer has this to say: We’re on the brink of a quickening. Time to wake up! The Sun in Gemini (communication and travel) comes into a perfect opposition with the Moon at 4 degrees of Sagittarius (expansion and adventure) tomorrow and there is a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse.

This is the 3rd eclipse in a row; we’ve had one right after another, every two weeks, since April 25. So it’s likely we feel sort of taken apart, spread all around and not quite put back together again. Also weirdly tired and distracted and unable to focus in the usual way, a little disoriented, vague, depressed maybe even dark – dark like the eclipsed moon. 
This has been a deepening time, going down inside, digging around for whatever next morsel of nourishment will now be unveiled and revealed and integrated into our lives as the summer unfolds. 
Add to that the perfect Uranus Pluto opposition on Monday, May 20th – many, many things are happening below the surface, like a big whale swimming towards the little kayak, you can feel the wake, maybe even see the blow hole . . . oh boy . . . get ready . . . thar she blows!! 
Eclipses are famous for dropping new information in our laps. Lunar Eclipses in particular often spotlight where we need to bring things to a conclusion and move on.

I can feel the beginning of the urge to communicate, reach out, travel, and initiate the next phase. For the past month it’s been enough to maintain, in fact it’s been plenty to just maintain what is already going on and try and feel calm about it – whatever it is. Now we’re on the brink of movement and change.
With the Sun, Venus, Mercury and Jupiter in Gemini the waves of life will move along with a little more get up and go.

May 28 - Venus, planet of love, and Jupiter, planet of expansion and abundance sit right on top of each other and delight in bringing a feeling of expansion and luck and good will and the urge to share and celebrate and be extremely thankful for all of our abundance. This is a lovely aspect to get married under – so that feeling of sweet rapport and harmony is available to infuse into whatever new path is discovered.

June 7 – Neptune goes retrograde and our vision alters a bit – the cosmic lens is on auto focus bringing into sight things you didn’t realize were there and maybe obscuring what you thought was real.

June 10 - Mercury starts to enter the shadow of its next retrograde, so make hay while the tractor is moving forward. Get thing lined up as much as possible so you’re balanced and ready when they start to meander.
June 27 – Mercury retrograde in Cancer until July 20th – themes of home and family come to the surface, we’ll explore this more deeply at the time, but the Earth, your parents and kids, animals, food, and sensitive moodiness will spice up the daily routine.

Take a moment Friday if possible, to bring awareness to the perfect silence inside. Space. The final frontier. The infinite space of nothing and everything.
Notice the excruciating beauty of the infinite unknown in divine presence.
Feel your love of life and all of its complex diversity just for a nano-second for this is the prayer that welcomes the next gift the cosmos has to offer. 
Wow Again!  Just wait until you hear this next part.

Ch-ch-ch Changes. Turn and face the strange (according to David Bowie), and my life got very strange during this time period. Starting in March, recruiters had started calling be about my day job (technical writing) just out of the blue from LinkedIn. And not only calling but calling specifically about IT Security technical writing positions. After the second call in April, I padded over to the IT Security guy I worked with on-site at the day job in the government agency where I'd been on contract for the last 9 years and said, "what the hell is going on? is there a shortage of security writers?" to which I got a resounding YES. 

So, to make a long story short, I talked more with this second recruiter and started a new job on site at one of the best known HMOs in the US whose IT capabilities are far ahead of most other healthcare companies in adapting to Obamacare regulations, including the requirement for digital medical records. They're not only standing up their IT department in Denver (building out 5 floors on a LEEDS building (very green, low carbon footprint)) but also building Technology Risk group inside their IT Security department to look at risk for all the regulations they are subject too, such as SOX, HIPPA, and others. And they needed a writer. A seasoned writer who could handle not only technical documents but business documents and writing policy as well. This small group is swamped with work and trying to stand it all up, and their library is kind of a mish-mash of some existing docs from more than one source and certainly a lot of missing docs, but they're not even in a place yet to do a gap analysis on where they are vs where they want to be because they don't have it all documented. And that's where I come in. Not only did I get a raise, I get to work from home (mostly) and go in for meetings. How sweet is that?! And this was the whale (at least for me) that Steph's astrology was talking about above... I started this new day job on June 10.

Losing long time pets. And that leads me to my last subject. I have, or had, two elderly doggy companions who love it when I work from home. My Bear Lee (or Barely because he's barely a dog) dog will be 14 in July. He's a afghan hound / chow mix who found me when he was 8 weeks old as a stray, and yes his fur is very strange especially on his haunches. :) My Shannon dog was a rescue from the Denver Dumb Friends League in 2003 when she was 2. Shannon was an Australian Shepard mix who had been adopted out from DDFL as a puppy and then brought back when she was 2. When we brought her home, she didn't know how to play (Bear Lee did managed to teach her how to play with him by pulling her ears then running, but she never did get the chase toys thing), had some nerve damage (which my more intuitive friends believed came from a lack of oxygen during birth and my gut has always told me she was the runt of the litter) and was "not quite right." 

She had a very sweet temperament once I made it clear I was the alpha, and not her, and she definitely knew where home was. Once when a storm blow the gate open in the back yard (they have a doggie door to come and go as they please from yard to house) and they got out, Bear Lee wandered off to where the nearest children were while Shannon just came around and sat on the front porch and waited for me to come home. She knew where home was. Shannon was 2 yrs younger than Bear Lee and had a higher energy level than him, and he seemed to help calm her down especially on those few occasions I had to kennel them I always made sure they were kenneled together. 

Shannon had major separation anxiety and major car ride anxiety both of which were understandable given her history or what little I knew of it anyway. Her anxiety for car rides (pain and pleasure, liked the ride but had a bad history of being left places after them until we found her) and even just being separated from Bear Lee during grooming was so bad that I kept a stash of homeopathic sprays for this and just soaked / sprayed several little dog biscuits and gave them to her to help, and it did help. Anyway, my fuzzy little friend of the last 10 years left this plane on Friday. She hadn't been feeling good and had been eating less and less and stopped eating all together earlier in the week. At the vet, the blood work showed that her kidneys were shutting down just from age. The vet recommended humane euthanasia and to do it quickly... Shannon wasn't running a fever or in pain really but her electrolytes were all whacked out and her blood volume was low so her heart beat was elevated. The vet said she probably just felt like she had a really, really, really bad case of the made her nauseous and that's why she quit eating.

So Friday was not a very good day. At least I had been working from home that day and the day before, and I knew she was sick and not feeling good and barely had enough energy to come up the stairs with me at night so I had been spending more alone time with her during the week, too. But even with all of that, her little bob tail still wagged when I talked to her, and later when the vet talked to her, when  we snuck out of the house in the morning while Bear Lee was sleeping in the yard. That last car ride to the vet was the only time she didn't show her normal car ride anxiety... she was just too tired and really not feeling well at all.

I had always assumed she would outlive Bear Lee because she was younger and a smaller breed (smaller breeds usually live longer), but she had also had a much harder life those first two years before I found her and those foundational years and make all the difference in the world.

Losing pets is and has always been very difficult for me. Pets and your mom are the only beings on this plane who will always love you unconditionally no matter what you do. Now sometimes, you may have to work harder to earn their trust especially if some other human has abused their love and trust in the past, and if you do you will be richly rewarded

Today, Bear Lee started missing his sister...I heard a couple of whimpers just before the mobile groomer arrived and distracted him. Tomorrow will be his first day alone in the house without her while I'm at work (I seem to have meetings lined up Mon, Tue & Wed at this new job) so I will make sure to ask the angels & St. Francis to watch over him while I'm gone. The same light beings I asked into the vet office on Friday to help ease her transition  Funny thing later in the day on Friday, I'm often visited by my pets who pass, usually during the first week after their transition and it's a meow or purrr I usually hear to let me know they're OK. This time, Shannon spoke and said simply, "I'm OK now mom." Usually it's people that talk to me that after they pass.... I've also noticed Bear Lee looking intently at things a couple of times, so maybe she'll stay for a bit; at least until I get her ashes back and sprinkle them in the now bare spot (we called it her "wallow" because she loved rolling in the sunshine there close to the house) where she laid all the time. Here's a picture of my fuzzy friend when she was young and strong and loved hiking in the mountains. 

Monday, February 25, 2013

meteors, moldavite, cancer & essiac tea & an affirmation for divine health

I hope our Russian friends are all well after that meteor last weekend. See! We know who you are... well, OK... maybe not who but where you are. :) You'll have to let us know if any cool rocks and crystals show up from the impact. One of my favorite crystals is moldavite and I have jewelry in both the natural state and polished stone state. Moldavite is very high energy and is said to help you connect with the star realms. This link will show you images of both on Google. (For those looking for more information on uses for moldavite, here's an excellent page:

For the last several weeks I've been looking at complimentary / alternative cancer treatments. My mom died from cancer in 2004, on of her sisters just underwent cancer treatment on Friday (different type from mom's), and over the last couple of years a number of folks I've worked with at the day job have left for medical reasons, some in remission, some who the medical establishment gave a terminal with 3-4 months to live diagnosis. (Yes, part of me is thinking that government building is a "sick" building...). At least 7 cases that I know of; most women but also 2 men. Sick building and a lot of miserable, bitter people who've been stuck in jobs they didn't hate when they got them, but bad management that gets worse does indeed take a toll on workers with increased stress levels. 

So many times I've been happy not to be a government employee but merely "contractor scum." LOL. At least contractors are treated as adults.  As a manger I firmly believe and have seen it play out time and again that if you treat people as children they will act as children; if you treat them as adults and they will act as adults. People rise to the level of your expectations and if you expect them to perform in the top 10% (yes, I believe in A's...not "perfection" but certainly excellence. Sidebar: I once had a manager (who had been a high school English teach before joining the real world and when I walked into my first review with her she explained that she didn't hand out the top rating no matter how hard you worked or how good you were because "no one's perfect." WTF? Obviously she wasn't a science major! Us science majors know you didn't have to be "perfect" to be excellent --you don't have to get 100% for excellence; you only need 90% on straight percentage.  But, I digress...)

Anyway, with all of these co-workers getting diagnosed with some sort of cancer,  my family history, and my elderly Afghan Hound mixed dog (he'll be 14 in July and Afghan's usually pass from cancer) I've been looking pretty hard at the alternative treatments and there are plenty out there depending on what mode you're looking for. I concentrated in the herb arena to see what there was, and I was quite surprised! There are herbs & herb mixtures taken as tea infusions, some are made into poultices, and some are used in drawing salves.

I also quickly became aware that none can legally claim any actions for these herbs when they sell them because they are not FDA or AMA approved for that purpose. Herbs are considered "dietary supplements." I've also run across some very knowledgeable naturopaths who have clearly had to structure their websites as "members only" (with free membership) to satisfy some law or regulation to be able to supply the herbs, vitamins, and treatments they do. The Herbal Healer Academy is on of those and I was quite drawn to her site & supplies because of her background (microbiologist) and story---she had a son that western medicine and one of the best hospitals in the country could not help. She did her research and not only helped him but cured him.  This isn't the first time I've heard that kind of story. Several years back I also knew an acupuncturist who had the same type of story. At that time she was an engineer and western medicine gave her a terminal sentence. She did her research and went to acupuncture college and has been well ever since. In the US acupuncturists generally have a MS and there are usually both federal and state licenses they have to sit for. At the federal level, there are two separate exams:  one for herbs (traditional Chinese) and one for acupuncture.

So, I settled on ordering the herbs to make Essiac Tea (the ones from the Herbal Healer Academy are pre-measured in ziplock bags, then stapled together so you can't get them all confused). Essiac has quite an interesting history and there are 4 videos on YouTube about it. They run about 7-8 minutes each; the first one goes into the controversy around it then towards the end you start hearing from Rene in her own words. It looks like they were made in the 70s... yes. Rene died in 1978.  

This 4-herb mixture (sheep sorrel, burdock root, slippery elm bark & Turkish or regular rhubarb root) has been known to western medicine since the 1920s. Rene's Canadian clinic was only allowed to treat those who had a medical diagnosis of terminal with nothing else they could do for them. You not only hear from Rene in these videos, but her ex-patients as well. Yes, they were still alive and well long after her treatments. 

The story behind the herb mixture is an interesting one. Apparently it came from the Ojibway Indians. :)  I have seen stats claiming that the survival rate for essiac treatment was 90% no matter what stage. I've also seen stats that claim unless western medicine catches cancer in its earliest stages where the survival rate is 90%, then the survival rate drops to 10%. The patients usually died from the damage from the radiation, chemo, and surgery (the only 3 approved treatments).  But you have to do the leg work, the research and decide for yourselves.  I will tell you that I made a batch of it last weekend and have 5 quarts in the fridge. It's said that it's also good for other chronic conditions. I've been adding 1-2 cups in my bathwater for the last week. My mom died from melanoma that metastacized. Melanoma is extremely aggressive and even with surgery & chemo, it took her in about 2.5 yrs. Mom used to get sunburns and sun poisoning, and I have her skin. In fact, she tanned better than I ever did---I just burned and still do. In fact during my last trip to Florida I got sun poisoning on the second day. Sun poisoning is an actual allergic reaction to the sun where your skin swells & itches & burns. There's not a lot you can do but take benadryl, use topical treatments, and stay out of the sun. Anyway, knowing what we now know about melanoma --- that it's a spontaneous mutation with a genetic component --- and that my skin was quite damaged in my youth (grew up in the 70s w/ baby oil frying the body but have since then protected the alabaster white skin), I've decided to see if we can't head off some skin issues by putting Essiac in my bathwater. And oh yea, my elderly doggie is getting dog biscuits soaked in it. :) [2014 Update: We've opened an herbal shop on Etsy and have made and are carrying Essiac 4-herb salve for those who don't want to make their own. Currently only shipping to the US but if you're in Canada or elsewhere, just contact me and I can check on the shipping.]

And finally, one other item on curing cancer. This is a book from Amazon about Dr. Emanuel Revici, who was the Einstein of medicine. He made his own meds and his cure rate, much like the essiac herbs, was over 90% once again on those patients who western medicine could no longer help. The problem was, the AMA had a problems with him... 

Until next time, be well & be blessed & be in the light....  Here's an affirmation for good health:  "Divine health fills me & surrounds me, inside and out, in each and every cell of my body, inside and out of each and every cell in my body..."

Thursday, February 14, 2013

natural help for insomnia

Different people react differently to stress. Me, I can't sleep. And then there's that thing that happens with getting older also...we can't sleep. And that other thing that happens with women of a certain age, let's just call us baby wise women...we can't sleep. So among the three, let's just say I know which of my friends on FB are also insomniacs!

Anyway, a couple weeks ago I got a bottle of this natural remedy from Forces of Nature. It has essential oils and some homeopathic remedies in it as well for a double-whammy. And it works Great! 

Before this, I was taking 2 benadryl (25 mg each) nightly to get to sleep. Since I started using this stuff, no benadryl has been needed. (Benadryl isn't that bad for you --- it's just an antihistamine --- but it does knock out the dream center until it wears off about 4 hrs later.)  

A couple of dabs on my wrists & chest, and I'm out in 20-30 minutes for the night. And my dreams are back. :)

I just thought I'd share in case anyone else out there has been searching for a decent, natural sleep aid. 

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Kryon's Old Soul Toolkit for 2013

So some are probably wondering about the weird energy so far this year, and Kryon has done a couple of channelings, one on Jan 6 in Phoenix and the second in Boulder on Jan 13. The one in Boulder is the "toolkit" channeling, but the pair actually do need listened to together. The Phoenix channeling is "the transition begins." 


Friday, February 1, 2013

You must ask your doc about herbs & complimentary therapies

This topic came up at the day job today and I thought I'd remind folks about because I was really surprised the gal I was talking to wasn't aware of it. She also is a complimentary therapist of sorts (outside of the day job) --- trained in reflexology, martial arts, qi gong & tai chi, and in fact teaches a mixture of qi gong/tai chi/yoga. 

I told her I'd been researching some alternative cancer therapies (my mom died from cancer in 2004) and we started talking about the MDs (allopathic physicians) and how some are very open to them, some aren't, some will discuss them, and some won't, and so forth. Some of the MDs she knew in her personal life, not as a patient, would talk about other, older therapies in that setting but not with patients.  All of this is because of the AMA --- American Medical Association.

What I shared with her that I discovered several years ago when I was having some major 2nd chakra issues and ended up have outpatient surgery and then continuing treatment w/ an acupuncturist, a gifted energy healer (my guru/teacher), and took some major supplements to clear the rest of the problem naturally over the course of a year, was something I hadn't been aware of and probably never would have been if my acupuncturist hadn't told me.  In the US, medical doctors can only discuss herbs and complimentary therapies if you ask them about it or bring it up first. They cannot bring it up or talk about it until you do. This is because of an AMA rule.

Back then, my regular doc couldn't do the surgery I needed because she has rheumatoid arthritis in her hands, so we brought in another doc in her office at the time. (My doc has since then gone out on her own, which is a good thing because there were definitely some characters in that office!) This other doc was younger, whizzed thru high school & college & med school early, and was also very familiar with herbs. But when I saw her, and every time I saw her (even after I brought up the herbs), the energy around her was confused, conflicted, and even downright hostile!  And I had no freakin' idea why, but was just very glad when I didn't have to see her anymore! :)  

During one of my acupuncture sessions I mentioned this to my acupuncturist. (She works a LOT w/ MDs on female fertility issues and so knows a lot more about how they (the MDs) work w/ other therapies.) And she said, "She's conflicted because of the AMA rule---that's what you're picking up. Medical doctors can't discuss alternative therapies unless the patient brings them up first."  

So, there you go. If you're going to include other therapies in your health care,  make sure you bring them up with your doctor. Once you do that, the MDs are free to discuss it with you. Most complimentary therapists will also happily talk to your doctor if you want. It may require a separate release form from each of them because of HIPPA (in the US there's a reg, HIPPA for short, that governs what medical information can be shared with and without the patient's consent), but all the therapists I know will gladly work as closely with your physician as they can.  

Until next time be well & be happy my friends. :)

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Stress reduction decreases aging & increases life span...

I just watched an interesting episode on the Smithsonian channel (free) via my Roku box for streaming. (You can also watch it on the web.) 
Money Saving Tip! Another way to save $$$:  I cut loose all cable / satellite TV some years ago and don't miss it at all w/ my streaming ability. The Roku box only costs you once and you can stream NetFlix and a number of other channels (many for free) for a fraction of what your cable TV costs. I supplement w/ digital rabbit ears to pull in local stations (all of which are broadcasting in HD for free) for traffic & weather. I do keep the boxes hardwired w/ an Ethernet connection because it's faster than wireless. (So you'd need to add a couple routers and cable, which rarely need replaced.) Just think of how much cash you could save --- upwards of $100/month easily!
This episode is titled: Decoding Immortality and it talks about the telomeres in our cells that control aging. Shorter telomeres equal shorter life while longer ones equal longer life. Biologists have known about telomeres since they first started studying genetics in the 50s and how they are related to the aging of cells. What is new information, however, is that some studies have now been done (see the episode) that firmly show how stress reduction (meditation, yoga, life style changes) lengthens the telomeres, meaning a longer life. The study was done with men who had been diagnosed with prostate cancer.

I would add to that list for stress reduction: self-hypnosis, energy healing / Reiki, gardening (digging in dirt has also been shown to scientifically reduce stress levels, as any gardner could have told you, and be very grounding for those of us needing to re-connect in a very real and concrete way w/ Mother Earth), petting animals, creating art (drawing, painting, music) and just soaking up nature in every way shape and form possible.  But don't take my word for it --- please, try some of these activities yourself, watch the vid, and let us know if you feel better. :)

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year's thoughts on many things...

There have been a lot of things floating around my mind since the last post and every time I was about ready to put something down here, something else would happen that I needed to digest for a while before I could talk intelligently about it. 

CT School Shootings
For example, the CT school shootings 11 days before Xmas. I have an old friend from my high school days (don't you dare ask how long ago that was! lol) who lives in CT. Her two youngest are 4 and 8 or 9 (4th grade). She lives 10 miles away from the school and she had to have a talk about death with her two beautiful daughters because they lost a playmate and friend in the shooting. At those ages, all those girls should be worried about are which dollie to play with, what color clothes to wear, and when they're going to see grandma. I've posted before about soul contracts, ascension & crazy shootings so I won't belabor the points here. But I did feel it necessary to say something about those 20 beautiful little babies lost in CT. Please keep them and their families in your healing thoughts and prayers as we move forward thru the year.

ObamaCare, Economic Policies, Inflation & Saving Money
The next thing that's been rattling around my brain regularly is this set of issues. For those of us in the US, the economy has been on the top of all our minds because of the prices spiking all over: groceries, heat/electric, and gasoline. There are still many out of work and those of us with "day jobs" are hanging onto them pretty tightly. Our taxes are going up at least 2% with the reinstatement of Social Security with holding going back to where it was previously, and many of us have been doing the work of more than 1 person (in some cases 3-4 people) for so long now that we've given up hope of ever having our companies hire additional help. On the bright side, ObamaCare (which we won't fully feel in our wallets until 2014) will make it easier to be self employed, but that is a small bonus. So, since I know we all have saving money every way possible on our minds (mine too), and since I grew up on a farm where nothing was wasted and since my parents both made it through the Great Depression of the 30s (read:  Frugalness passed on to me), I'm going to start sharing tips on how to do many things around the house for less money. I'll toss them out when they float to the top of my mind and post them here. :) And that brings me to the final topic below.

Herbal Remedies, Backyard Gardens & Food Preservation
These days, some folks call that "backyard homesteading." :)  As ObamaCare fully kicks in, it will result in longer wait times for appointments with your doc. My own doc told me that when it was first being discussed. So my friends, those of you with healing skills and herbal skills should start getting ready to help your friends and neighbors with all manner of non-emergency wellness issues:  colds, coughs, flu, rashes, chronic complaints and so forth. When I was growing up, we only went to the doc when we were really sick and not for every ache and pain as many do these days. I see us moving back to that earlier model for doc visits. 

[On a related note, we are on the verge of a great resurgence of magick in our reality. All complimentary practices will be used fully so please my healing friends get your home offices ready to see people. The policy decisions made and the 2012 election outcome are guiding us firmly in that direction. The re-birth of that type of a healing society is indeed part of the Divine Feminine energies re-surging to re-establish the balance.] 

Herbal remedies are what nature intended for most ailments that aren't acute (like car crashes or broken limbs), so plant both a medicinal and culinary herb garden by your back door. Fresh vegetables are going to get even more expensive than they are now, as will all meats, dairy, and grains. You can easily plant enough fresh vegetables (lettuce, tomatoes, cukes, zucchini, bush beans) in your backyard for a family of 4. That will help save a tremendous amount of grocery money. And if you find yourself with excess veges, you can freeze them, can them, or preserve them in some manner. Those preserves and bumper crops used in sweet breads and gifts to others are usually greatly appreciated if you can't use them yourself.

In fact, I've about picked out my own herbs for planting, my Amazon cart has the makings for about 4, 4x4 raised beds where I'll do mixed plantings of herbs, veges & flowers (See Roses Love GarlicCarrots Love Tomatoes, and The Heirloom Life Gardner). I also have the makings for a small indoor greenhouse for fresh lettuce and a few veges year round. That's about all I can "get away with" since I have a HOA to answer to here. BUT, if you don't have a HOA you can plant more and add a few chickens for fresh eggs (chickens also eat bugs and all manner of things), and maybe add a root cellar (pretty easy to build). :) What? Worried about watering all of that?  Add a couple of rain barrels and use the water from there, and don't forget to add a small composting system. There are small, closed systems you can buy these days so you won't stink out the neighbors (yes, of course my HOA has a rule against compost piles!) --- and there's also one of those in my Amazon basket. 

Companion planting is a way to control pests, keep the soil fresh, and maximize production in a small area. Think of it this way: American Indians use to plant the "3 sisters" together --- corn, beans, and squash. Well, now the science is there to back up that planting scheme. Corn depletes nitrogen from the soil badly; beans are legumes and "nitrogen fixers" so they put nitrogen back into the soil; and squash has very broad leaves that keeps the moisture in like a natural mulch. In much the same way, garlic keeps bugs off roses, marigolds help control pests in the vege gardens (and they are also a good herb to have around for healing cuts and scrapes --- calendula is marigolds). Heirloom varieties are those vegetables that have been around forever (the ones your grandparents grew), are air pollinated, and who's children are true to the parental type (unlike hybrids). These are the varieties and the seeds you want. And if you're really frugal, you can even save the seeds from some of the crop for planting the following year. 

I'll share here some of the garden and herbal adventures as I get things put in place. And I'll be cleaning up my own home office so it's presentable to people again. :)  Happy New Year all, blessings to your & yours as we move forward thru 2013!