Friday, December 11, 2015
Releasing Vows of Poverty, Silence & Obedience - binaural meditation
An early holiday present for you! This binaural meditation is especially helpful for ancient & old souls who have issues around money --- many of us carried forward Vows of Poverty, Silence & Obedience from past lives. It's time to release them and let them go. <3 <3 <3
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Make a crystalline grid around your house & property
The veil is the thinnest now as it usually is this time of the year and even thinner than before because of the increased vibration & energy --- meaning that all forms are absorbing that energy and are more active.
So to try and help with that, I'd like everyone to be able to construct their own crystalline grid around their house, property & home to have a safe little bubble where you can relax w/o having other beings bother you. I think this is very important for sensitives, and most of you reading this are extremely gifted & sensitive! :)
SO --- starting today and running through Nov 2 at 8 am PT (11 am ET) my little book (the Kindle version) is going on sale for $1.99 instead of the regular $5.99. And of course you can still get it from the Kindle lending library for FREE if you're a prime member. Enjoy! <3 <3 <3
So to try and help with that, I'd like everyone to be able to construct their own crystalline grid around their house, property & home to have a safe little bubble where you can relax w/o having other beings bother you. I think this is very important for sensitives, and most of you reading this are extremely gifted & sensitive! :)
SO --- starting today and running through Nov 2 at 8 am PT (11 am ET) my little book (the Kindle version) is going on sale for $1.99 instead of the regular $5.99. And of course you can still get it from the Kindle lending library for FREE if you're a prime member. Enjoy! <3 <3 <3
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
FREEBIES on my website.. :)
Hi, there are a lot of freebies on my website --- binaural MP3s, e-books, combinations. check it out & enjoy! Hugs & blessing
This is on the new website, Just click above or click the FREEBIES button below to go. :D
This is on the new website, Just click above or click the FREEBIES button below to go. :D
Free Gifts
Sunday, September 27, 2015
New Lightwave Meditation on YouTube :)
And of course it's binaural. To help you integrate all the high energies --- Lightwave energies, Blood Moon / Super Moon eclipse energies and ground them into Mother Earth. After all, isn't that why you're here? Click the pic or this link to go. Enjoy! :)
Friday, September 4, 2015
Free gifts all Sept long from worldwide friends :)

Mediation MP3s, e-books, self help, wedding planning, readings, and oh so much more! Check it out thru Midnight Eastern Time 30 Sep.
How about some downtime this weekend with some meditation MP3s?
Free Gifts,
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
YouTube Video up! Violet Flame Meditation (binaural & guided)
For those who haven't been able to make our Violet Flame meditation or those who have trouble downloading the very large MP3 files, I've put a version up on YouTube for easy access. smile emoticon Binaural, deep theta meditation. 29 min. Enjoy!
violet flame,
Sunday, August 9, 2015
New Moon Violet Flame Meditation - 14 Aug 2015
Come join us! There's nothing quite like a bunch of lightworkers all focused on the same thing. The energy is incredible as is the team effort! We create a violet flame wave going around the world --- only 15 minutes of your day, right before bedtime - 10:05 pm to 10:20 pm your local time. We'd love you to join us!
Burn away free floating fear and anxiety for you and the world --- and replace it with increased love, compassion & empathy. Plant during the new moon what you wish to see increased in the world! We hope to "see" you then!
Hugs & blessings,
Burn away free floating fear and anxiety for you and the world --- and replace it with increased love, compassion & empathy. Plant during the new moon what you wish to see increased in the world! We hope to "see" you then!
Hugs & blessings,
new moon,
violet flame
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Join our FaceBook group! Emerging Old Souls, Lightworkers, Empaths & Sensitives
Since many of us feel so all alone until we find the rest of our "tribe," and there seems to be an increasing need for open, honest, real information about so many things, several friends & I have started a new Facebook group to help address that need. Come join us!
It's a closed group so that the only people who see the posts are those inside the group. This is to preserve your privacy.
It's the Emerging Old Souls, Lightworkers, and Empaths Divine Support group. Just click the link & then Join group and we'll welcome you in with open arms & hearts. :)
Hugs & Blessings,
. . . and welcome home!

Since many of us feel so all alone until we find the rest of our "tribe," and there seems to be an increasing need for open, honest, real information about so many things, several friends & I have started a new Facebook group to help address that need. Come join us!
It's a closed group so that the only people who see the posts are those inside the group. This is to preserve your privacy.
It's the Emerging Old Souls, Lightworkers, and Empaths Divine Support group. Just click the link & then Join group and we'll welcome you in with open arms & hearts. :)
Hugs & Blessings,
. . . and welcome home!

Saturday, July 25, 2015
Blue Moon Violet Flame Meditation Event --- All are welcome! :) Help burn away mass consciousness fear & anxiety

So as you feel moved, please follow the general outline in the event at YOUR LOCAL TIME of 10:05 pm for 15 min or whatever length of time you feel moved to do, so that we'll have a Violet Flame Wave around the world to clear things out. :)

I have done this is some closed groups on Facebook and have decided to host my own public event that is open to and welcomes all. :) Because of the group focus and energy, this can be a very powerful meditation especially if you are or consider yourself an Empath, Intuitive, Sensitive, Energy Healer, Reiki practitioner / master, or a Lightworker of any type in any way shape or form. We tend to be more sensitive to the energies to begin with, and this free-floating stuff is often caused by / created by mass media.
Please join us! Invite your friends! Add your LIGHT to our LIGHT! Help us push back the shadows and burn away the fear & anxiety the old energy wants us to feel. Shadows run from LIGHT! And Violet Flame Light & Energy are transformative. If you're not familiar with Violet Flame work, think of it as a UV Light to disinfect and purify yourselves, others, and Mother Earth herself.
Namaste & thank you friends! We produce more light together! :)
Hugs & Blessings --- You are LOVED by the All that Is, Mother Earth, and Sensitives & Lightworkers from around the world.
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Violet Flame Dragon --- Merlin / St. Germaine works with them and so can you! |
Monday, April 6, 2015
Blood Moon, eclipses, and releasing old, stuck energy
There is another lunar eclipse in September 2015 which will be the 4th of 4 for the year. This is in addition the full solar eclipse that was visible in Europe 20 March 2015. So what's going on with all the eclipses?
Basically, we have been in a bit of a "stuck" energy cycle and all of these eclipses will bring what was hidden to the front and break free all of those stuck energies. This can manifest in a number of ways, including increasing intolerance of old energy patterns such as corporate office politics and bosses who need their egos stroked or bosses whose heads are still stuck in old energy and only see the almighty dollar and look for ways to play office politics to get themselves ahead no matter who they have to throw under the bus. Not everyone is "awake" yet and many will not awaken....
If you're as awake as me then your patience for all of that old energy nonsense is pretty thin. You may even be looking for another job, a new job, or even looking to be self-employed as a freelancer of some type or starting your own business. This is normal and as the energies continue to increase at even higher vibrational rates those of us still dealing with the old energy people on a daily basis will find it more and more difficult to do so. The vibration rates are becoming too far apart for us to even feel anything approaching comfort in those environments any more and in fact those environments may even start to make us feel ill. Literally.
So what do we do if we can't immediately turn in our notice and hang out our own shingle to run our own business that sits in integrity and is in harmony with the higher energies, the new energies, and in harmony with ourselves? There are a few protection techniques we can use to help get through the day while we look for work elsewhere or arrange our finances so that we can become self-employed.
- Protect your energy field daily.
This means before you walk into those dark, heavy energies every day seal your energy field and add Divine light & protection. You and your higher energies may be the only light this place sees and that may indeed be why you are still there. Once another lightworker shows up then you will find it easier to leave as another bright light has stepped in to function as a lighthouse for the dark environment. A new job may reveal itself often from an unseen direction. In the meantime, visualize a golden egg surrounding you from head to toe --- this is your Divine Protection Shield ---and call on Archangel Michael and his angels to walk with you in this dark place. - Clear your energy field daily after a full day in the dark, heavy energies. This will help ensure that you don't have anything just hanging around because it likes your brightness or that has attached to you in that dark, heavy environment. You can do this using the Reiki technique, by grounding, or by intention by asking Archangel Michael and his angels to remove any energy that is not "you" and escorting it into the light. Even just soaking in the tub (including crown chakra / hair) that has bath salts or plain old Epsom salts and baking soda added will do this.
- At least once a week, do soak in a salt bath (including crown chakra / hair). This ensure that your aura / energy field remains squeaky clean. Use 1.5 to 2 cups bath salts (dead sea, Epsom, Himalayan, etc.), 1 cup baking soda, and a few drops of your favorite essential oil. This mixture also absorbs stray radiation and is very helpful for minor skin conditions and irritations, especially when Lavender essential oil is added. (It's antimicrobial --- viruses, bacteria, etc.)
- Daily meditation upon waking: What do I need to know for today? Spend a few minutes in bed before rising for the day just connecting to your Divine Innate, filling yourself with Divine light and love, and asking what you need to know for the day. The answer will come quickly and clearly and the more you exercise this muscle the louder the answer. This will also help keep you motivated while you share the Light in the dark environment where you find yourself. There is indeed a reason for everything, and the lives we touch on a daily basis are often the reason we are in those environments.
- Remember, this is work that YOU must do.
Very few can tolerate the dense, heavy energies once ascension has begun. This is part of the reason you are there in that environment --- to shine your light & love as brightly as possible in an environment that needs the light more than others.
And so it is.
Hugs & Blessings to you in your daily work as you shine your light brightly in the darkest places on the planet.
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Update to Strongest Clearing mixture --- tar water
I just added and updated to the original entry from 5 Feb 2014 and have re-pasted it below for easy reference.
18 Feb 2015 Update: I just had to clear the house and spray around it again. So it's lasted about 3 months and I have had a LOT of workers in and around the house since the original clearing and spraying. (Hail damage so there was a new roof and gutters and screens and a window and once it's warm enough here in Colorado painting and staining still to be done. Very nasty hail storm last 29 Sep 2014 that came from an unusual direction.) So all of those workers with whatever spirits and entities that were with them, ON TOP OF the pretty active area where my house is --- right off green space that is used as a "run way" for wildlife and some other souls. But still, only having to do it once a quarter instead of nearly daily is a good deal! :)
And again for easy reference, here is the reciepe:
18 Feb 2015 Update: I just had to clear the house and spray around it again. So it's lasted about 3 months and I have had a LOT of workers in and around the house since the original clearing and spraying. (Hail damage so there was a new roof and gutters and screens and a window and once it's warm enough here in Colorado painting and staining still to be done. Very nasty hail storm last 29 Sep 2014 that came from an unusual direction.) So all of those workers with whatever spirits and entities that were with them, ON TOP OF the pretty active area where my house is --- right off green space that is used as a "run way" for wildlife and some other souls. But still, only having to do it once a quarter instead of nearly daily is a good deal! :)
And again for easy reference, here is the reciepe:
- Creolina
- Holy Water
- Sea Salt
- Sprayer bottle and/or dropper bottle
- Black Salt to sprinkle around after
In the sprayer bottle and/or dropper bottle, mix a small (very small) amount of Creolina, a pinch or so of Sea Salt, and fill the bottle with Holy water. Shake well. The liquid will look brownish.
Creolina is the closest thing to pure "tar water" that can be found these days. It is a cleaning solution (disinfectant) made from coal tar and it is very strong! And so is the scent. Holy Water, if you don't want to buy it or get it from your local church, you can also make your own and my book has instructions for how to do that. Black Salt is black lava salt and is edible.
Spray in the corners of the room, property, around the basement, or foundation of the house or area where your problem keeps recurring. If you don't use the sprayer, use 1 drop of the liquid instead. After each area is sprayed and/or dropped, sprinkle the black salt as a barrier. The black salt absorbs any negative energies present and gives them a place to go to get away from the tar water mixture. I also said a prayer of clearing while spraying and sprinkling, to clear the negative lower energies and also invited in the higher, Divine and Angelic energies, and also asked for Divine Protection.
Sunday, February 15, 2015
Special FREE GIFT promotion Feb 16-20, Kindle e-book version regularly $5.99, now FREE!
Working with your Angels: Clearing and Blessing your Home
WHY? Because the ascension energies have increased the need for this information to be readily available NOW. Lightworkers and others sensitives whose "clair" senses have awakened and are growing need ways to clear and protect themselves and their homes. My gift to all of you.
What do I ask for in return? Only that you leave an honest review on Amazon. :)
Get your FREE copy now!
What have others said about Working with your Angels: Clearing and Blessing your Home?
Need to clear the energies in your home but aren't sure how? Feeling a need to protect your home psychically? Looking for information on angels and entities? How about basic information on crystals or how to make your own oil spritzer to clear areas and raise the energy? Wonder how all that fits in to clearing your home energetically and raising the vibration? This book shows you how to do that and more. Working with your angels, you can:
(1) clear your home of wayward, lower energies;
(2) raise the energy vibration in your home to the level of the divine; and
(3) create the safe, sacred space you need and deserve.
You'll be working with crystals, setting up a crystalline grid around your property (you can also do that around the house exterior or a single room). You'll be using sage and/or incense and/or spritzers to clear areas. You'll be calling in angels and archangels to help you. You'll learn how to make your own blessed water and how to do a Japanese House Blessing and use the Reiki Power Symbol to help you clear and seal rooms.
No familiar with those things? Don't worry, the book contains sections on specific archangels, the crystals associated with them, and what their specialties are. There are also sections on the basic stones we're working work, AND a section that discusses entities of all types, including spirits and ghosts and how to tell them apart.
Interspersed with all of this "how to" information Melodie shares similar experiences from her own life to help those sensitives who are "new" to being sensitive to recognize their own Gifts. Often sensitives attract unwanted attention and don't understand what's causing it. To help with that, there are also sections discussing the "clair" gifts and how to recognize them: Clairvoyance (clear vision), Clairaudience (clear hearing), Claircognizance (clear knowing), and Clairsentience (clear feeling).
Get your FREE copy now!
Promotion runs from Monday, February 16 though Friday February 20, 12 AM Pacific Time for beginning and ending.
Enjoy! Hugs & Blessings,
WHY? Because the ascension energies have increased the need for this information to be readily available NOW. Lightworkers and others sensitives whose "clair" senses have awakened and are growing need ways to clear and protect themselves and their homes. My gift to all of you.
What do I ask for in return? Only that you leave an honest review on Amazon. :)
Get your FREE copy now!
What have others said about Working with your Angels: Clearing and Blessing your Home?
Love This Book! ~meap
Well written, practical, easy to follow steps that give space clearing choices without all the confusion and rambling that I've noticed in other guide books. This was the perfect book for me, and I'll refer to it over and over.
Educational and requires some studying ~gardenlady
There's a lot of info in this book. [. . . ] Very informative and I recommend this book for anyone interested in clearing, blessings, and guidance.
Fascinating! ~ Sherrie H.
I found this book utterly fascinating! [. . . ] I highly recommend this book.
"I felt my energy shift after reading only a few passages." ~ Eleanor G.
"I loved the clearing layout." ~ Joy K.From the back cover:
Need to clear the energies in your home but aren't sure how? Feeling a need to protect your home psychically? Looking for information on angels and entities? How about basic information on crystals or how to make your own oil spritzer to clear areas and raise the energy? Wonder how all that fits in to clearing your home energetically and raising the vibration? This book shows you how to do that and more. Working with your angels, you can:
(1) clear your home of wayward, lower energies;
(2) raise the energy vibration in your home to the level of the divine; and
(3) create the safe, sacred space you need and deserve.
You'll be working with crystals, setting up a crystalline grid around your property (you can also do that around the house exterior or a single room). You'll be using sage and/or incense and/or spritzers to clear areas. You'll be calling in angels and archangels to help you. You'll learn how to make your own blessed water and how to do a Japanese House Blessing and use the Reiki Power Symbol to help you clear and seal rooms.
No familiar with those things? Don't worry, the book contains sections on specific archangels, the crystals associated with them, and what their specialties are. There are also sections on the basic stones we're working work, AND a section that discusses entities of all types, including spirits and ghosts and how to tell them apart.
Interspersed with all of this "how to" information Melodie shares similar experiences from her own life to help those sensitives who are "new" to being sensitive to recognize their own Gifts. Often sensitives attract unwanted attention and don't understand what's causing it. To help with that, there are also sections discussing the "clair" gifts and how to recognize them: Clairvoyance (clear vision), Clairaudience (clear hearing), Claircognizance (clear knowing), and Clairsentience (clear feeling).
Get your FREE copy now!
Promotion runs from Monday, February 16 though Friday February 20, 12 AM Pacific Time for beginning and ending.
Enjoy! Hugs & Blessings,
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