A lot has happened since my last post here: I changed my day job (yes, the one where I'd been for the last 9+ years as a contractor in a US government agency) for one in IT security in the healthcare industry that allowed me to telecommute about 4 days a week. It's been very good for me --- my stress levels have gone waaayyyy down, I've lost about 30 lbs w/o even trying (not eating on the run and walking the new doggies at lunch time), and St. Francis also saw fit to send a couple of rescue Afghan Hounds my way after both of my elderly furry doggie companions passed --- first Shannon, an Australian Shepherd mix who I rescued from the Denver Dumb Friends League in 2003 to keep Barely (or Bearly or Bear Lee of the southern Lees ;>), an Afghan Hound and Chow mix who found me in when he was 8 weeks old in 1999, company while I was at work, and then Bearly. Shannon passed in June and Bearly in August. Needless to say, I was quite depressed and weepy for most of the summer.
And just when I decided I wasn't going to have fuzzy children for a while (all of my children are fuzzy, furry, or feathered) for some reason I got in my head I have to have Afghan Hounds. Pure. I talked to a local breeder about buying an older girl, but it just didn't feel right. Then some of the rescue folks I'd been talking to pointed me to about 8 of them that had come from a breeder in Ohio. And silly me makes a phone call to the Humane Society where they were then books a flight (non refundable, one way because the timing just happened to work out such that my partner had been visiting family in Atlanta and New York and was driving back cross country to Colorado the week I booked the flight to pick up the dogs. Hmmmm..... serendipity? You betcha!) before finding out the "Afghan Hound social workers" needed to visit my home before blessing the adoption because the Afghan Hound Rescue folks were also involved. Of course they passed me and with the new flexible job I had I was able to make up the work hours before and after the trip.
St. Francis is the one responsible for my craziness...and for making sure that the furry ones who needs us (and who we need) connect with us. I knew for certain once I saw them that I had done the right thing, because I heard loudly in my mind "mom!" from Phoenix the first time he saw me as he jumped up and place his paws on the chain link fence. (Phoenix is very tall when he stands on his back legs --- as tall as me and I'm 5'6". If you remember, I also heard Shannon say "mom, I'm OK now" shortly after her passing. Bearly didn't talk before or after, but I did see him after standing in the back yard looking into the green space with the wind in his hair, and he was quite happy and well again.)
The new family members are Phoenix (as in the fire bird rising from the ashes) who is about 16 months old and is still very much puppy inside (down to chewing all things in sight! lol) and Flutter who is about 5 years. The Humane Society folks in Ohio renamed her this because of a fluttering sound she makes when happy (along w/ showing her teeth in the widest grin I've ever seen on a dog!) which sounds amazingly like a small horse! LOL. Flutter is also Phoenix's grandmother. Pics are below for the other critter lovers out there. :)
Phoenix |
Phoenix |
Phoenix |
Flutter |
Flutter |
Flutter |
Phoenix in foreground; Flutter farther back |
Afghan Hounds are really the misunderstood breed in the dog world. They are extremely smart and catch on very fast. They just don't always feel the need to do what *you* want them to do. :D They are also very sensitive creatures and need a light hand when training. So you can see why the "Afghan Hound Social workers" for the rescue folks are quite careful about placement. If you have not been around Affies they can seem very un-dog like and very cat like (they are). My partner calls them "fuzzy people who are quite strange creatures." <laughing> They are thieves and steal from each other and their people constantly. Theft is a favorite game and how they survived for generations upon generations. They are also athletes and built for running in sharp mountain areas --- top speed is 40 mph --- so they have very big fuzzy feet. The only dogs faster are greyhounds, who's top speed is 45 mph. Yes, I've already chased Phoenix around the neighborhood in my fleece jammies & slippers. I now no longer use my front door but go out through the garage for packages and such because it's like an air lock for doggies. ;>
Of the two, Phoenix is quite a bit smarter than Flutter (he "gets" new things after only being shown a couple of times (much like my Bearly dog did) while Flutter needs more time and more treats to "get" new things ---- like how to use the dog door. Even now several months later, occasionally she'll get in a mood and think the humans should open the door to the yard for Queen Flutter instead of making her use the dog door. (ROFL!) She barks for a human to open the door when in this mood.... "Human slave, open the big door for Queen Flutter..."
Phoenix on the other had is like the class clown. He's silly and goofy and seems to like to make his humans laugh. And he has brought a lot of joy (they both have really) at a time when I really needed it.
Both of them were having nightmares when I brought them home, although the Affie Rescue folks I talked to said they were neglected and not abused. They were in a kennel with about 20 other dogs. Flutter, god bless her, still wants to guard the food some ---- I have the distinct impression that in her 5 years she had to fight / intimidate the other dogs to get her share of things, and I expect she's had at least a couple of litters. She is indeed an alpha bitch Queen. ;) And little Phoenix (even though he is bigger) lets her have whatever she wants.
Phoenix, besides the goofiness and humour, is a momma's boy. He hides behind me after stealing things from Flutter and whines and carries on and is quite vocal and opinionated about things. I've often said if he were a cat, he'd be Siamese.
Flutter would wake growling until very recently --- again, I think it's from being in a kennel with so many other dogs and having to constantly be on her guard. I keep reassuring her that there will always be enough food and that she doesn't have to guard it. I've also been doing Reiki / energy healing on her quite regularly and she does enjoy that. She's even gotten to the point now where she will let me take things (including treats) away from her without growling and she'll let me love her after dark as well (she is definitely a morning dog. They both are.), so we are seeing some big improvements.
Phoenix also has nightmares and they are getting fewer. Of the two, Flutter, because of her age, has suffered more because of the neglect because she was exposed to it longer --- for 5 years --- so her behaviors show it more and she has been slower to trust. Phoenix shows the greatest separation anxiety and me being able to telecommute for most of the work week has been a huge blessing as far as helping to reassure him than when I leave I come back and for bonding with the two of them. They are my "assistants" while I work.
It will take some time, and I'm constantly asking St. Francis & Archangel Raphael to help me with the two of them, especially Flutter. I'm seeing more and more of her "happy face" these days (especially in the morning) and I'm hoping soon that the nightmares will be a thing of the past for both of them. My older doggies also had nightmares when they were younger and they became fewer and farther between as they got older, so I'm expecting the same will happen w/ the affies.
So, a few tips if there are some other new dog rescuers out there:
- Take some Bach's Rescue Remedy with you when you pick them up. I used it on both for the first few weeks until they started ducking and running from it. The dogs will let you know when they've had enough.
- If you are a Reiki Master or Healing Energy practitioner, use it on the doggies. It helps calm them and also builds trust with you. The same rule of thumb applies: when they've had enough they'll let you know. If they're awake, they'll just get up and move away.
- Use a lot of praise and treats early on to help build the trust & love. Even after you've had to correct some not-so-good behavior, then find a reason to give them praise and encouragement. This also lets them know that you still love them even after they've been bad. For my Affies, them coming when I call gets a treat from me. :)
- Remember, they have the intelligence of about a 3-4 year old when full grown. So a lot of things you would do for children who have been neglected or mistreated you do for the doggies, too. Be consistent. Provide a safe, stable environment. Give lots of love and have lots of patience. Provide lots of praise.
Until next time, enjoy your furry babies as much as I do. :)