Report on energy healing w/ a study Dr. Oz did and one done at UCLA.... (YES, it works! :)) run time is about 7 mins.!
Friday, December 7, 2012
Thursday, November 29, 2012
exquisite description of Lightworker's from New Mexico Lightworkers
Our Facebook friends over at New Mexico Lightworkers (renamed Golden Age Lightworkers) posted this exquisite description of lightworkers today that we'd like to share with everyone because it really does capture the character & soul of Lightworkers.
We'd also like to remind you all that finding support and others who are "like you" is much easier now than it has ever been in the past --- you can connect with other lightworkers from around the world in the virtual world often easier than you can IRL (in real life). ;> Come join us in Facebook, on Twitter, and in blogs, and if you're close enough to some seminars or workshops I encourage you to go and experience them. They are often very moving as many old souls "recognize" each other and during group meditations when the energies are at their highest (groups pool their energies for more intense work that cannot be done alone) there are many from the other realms who also pop in to say "hi, hello," and "greetings." You'll meet those you need to and those who need to connect with you in very serendipitous ways during those workshops (usually sitting by or near you), and if you carpool or share a motel room with someone that will also be someone you're supposed to connect with for some very specific reason. :)
The Lightworker’s Identity
Lightworkers are souls who carry the strong inner desire to spread Light – knowledge, freedom and self-love – on Earth. They sense this as their mission. They are often attracted to spirituality and to therapeutic work of some kind.
Because of their deeply felt mission, lightworkers often feel different from other people. By experiencing different kinds of obstacles on their way, life provokes them to find their own unique path. Lightworkers are nearly always solitary individuals, not fitting into fixed societal structures.
The reason we use the word "lightworker" despite possible misunderstandings is because it carries associations and stirs memories within you that help you remember. There is a practical convenience to it as well, since the term is frequently used in your current spiritual literature.
Historical roots of lightworkers:
What lightworkers have to do at this point is to stop looking for validation from the outside – from parents, friends or society. At some point in time, you who are reading this will have to take the momentous leap to true empowerment, which means to really believe in yourself and to truly honor and act upon your natural inclinations and your inner knowing.
We invite you to do so and we assure you that we will be with you every step of the way – just like you will be there for others on their way in the not too distant future.
We'd also like to remind you all that finding support and others who are "like you" is much easier now than it has ever been in the past --- you can connect with other lightworkers from around the world in the virtual world often easier than you can IRL (in real life). ;> Come join us in Facebook, on Twitter, and in blogs, and if you're close enough to some seminars or workshops I encourage you to go and experience them. They are often very moving as many old souls "recognize" each other and during group meditations when the energies are at their highest (groups pool their energies for more intense work that cannot be done alone) there are many from the other realms who also pop in to say "hi, hello," and "greetings." You'll meet those you need to and those who need to connect with you in very serendipitous ways during those workshops (usually sitting by or near you), and if you carpool or share a motel room with someone that will also be someone you're supposed to connect with for some very specific reason. :)
The Lightworker’s Identity
Lightworkers are souls who carry the strong inner desire to spread Light – knowledge, freedom and self-love – on Earth. They sense this as their mission. They are often attracted to spirituality and to therapeutic work of some kind.
Because of their deeply felt mission, lightworkers often feel different from other people. By experiencing different kinds of obstacles on their way, life provokes them to find their own unique path. Lightworkers are nearly always solitary individuals, not fitting into fixed societal structures.
The reason we use the word "lightworker" despite possible misunderstandings is because it carries associations and stirs memories within you that help you remember. There is a practical convenience to it as well, since the term is frequently used in your current spiritual literature.
Historical roots of lightworkers:
- Lightworkers carry within them the ability to attain spiritual awakening faster than other people. They carry inner seeds for a rapid spiritual awakening. With regard to this, they seem to be on a faster track than most people, if they choose it. This again is not because lightworkers are in any way “better” or “higher” souls. They are, however, older than most souls presently incarnate on Earth. This older age should preferably be understood in terms of experience rather than time.
- Lightworkers have reached a particular stage of enlightenment before they incarnate on Earth and start their mission. They consciously choose to become entrenched in the “karmic wheel of life” and to experience all forms of confusion and illusion that go with it.
- They do this in order to fully understand “Earth experience.” This will enable them to fulfill their mission. Only by going through all stages of ignorance and illusion themselves will they eventually own the tools to help others achieve a state of true happiness and enlightenment.
- Lightworkers stood on the eve of humanity’s birth on Earth. They took part in the creation of man. They were co-creators of humanity. In the process of creation.
- Before we go into this particular history, we will name a few characteristics of lightworker souls which generally distinguish them from other people. These psychological traits do not uniquely belong to lightworkers and not all lightworkers will recognize all of them as theirs. By drawing up this list, we simply want to give an outline of the lightworker’s psychological identity. With regard to the characteristics, outer behavior is of less importance than inner motivation or felt intent. What you feel inside is more important than what you show outside.
- From early on in their life, they feel they are different. More often than not they feel isolated from others, lonely and misunderstood. They will often become individualists who will have to find their own unique ways in life.
- They have trouble feeling at home within traditional jobs and/or organization structures. Lightworkers are naturally anti-authoritarian which means that they naturally resist decisions or values based solely on power or hierarchy. This anti-authoritarian trait is present even if they seem timid and shy. It is connected to the very essence of their mission here on Earth.
- Lightworkers feel drawn to helping people as a therapist or as a teacher. They may be psychologists, healers, teachers, nurses, etc. Even if their profession is not about helping people in a direct manner, the intent to contribute to the higher good of humanity is clearly present.
- Their vision of life is colored by a spiritual sense of how all things are related together. They consciously or subconsciously carry memories within them of non-earthly spheres of light. They may occasionally feel homesick for these spheres and feel like a stranger on Earth.
- They deeply honor and respect life which often manifests as a fondness for animals and a concern for the environment. The destruction of parts of the animal and vegetable kingdoms on Earth by human doing invokes deep feelings of loss and grief in them.
- They are kind-hearted, sensitive and empathic. They may have trouble dealing with aggressive behavior and they generally experience difficulties in standing up for themselves. They can be dreamy, naive or highly idealistic, as well as insufficiently grounded, i.e. down-to-earth. Because they easily pick up negative feelings and moods of people around them, it is important for them to spend time alone on a regular basis. This enables them to distinguish between their own feelings and those of others. They need solitary time to touch base with themselves and with Mother Earth.
- They have lived many lives on Earth in which they were deeply involved with spirituality and/or religion. They were present in overwhelming numbers in the old religious orders of your past as monks, nuns, hermits, psychics, witches, shamans, priests, priestesses, etc. They were the ones providing a bridge between the visible and the invisible, between the daily context of Earth life and the mysterious realms of the afterlife, realms of God and the spirits of good and evil. For fulfilling this role, they were often rejected and persecuted. Many of you were sentenced to the stake for the gifts you possessed. The traumas of persecution left deep traces within your soul’s memory. This may presently manifest as a fear of being fully grounded, i.e. a fear to be really present, because you remember being brutally attacked for who you were.
- When lightworkers have made their way through the karmic burden, which means to release the need for power in any way, they will realize that they are essentially beings of light. This will enable them to help others in finding their own true selves. But first they have to go through that process themselves. This generally demands great determination and perseverance on the inner level. Because society feeds them values and judgments which often go against their own natural impulses, many lightworkers have gotten lost, ending up in states of self-doubt, self-denial and even depression and hopelessness. This is because they cannot fit into the established order of things and they conclude there must be something terribly wrong with them.
What lightworkers have to do at this point is to stop looking for validation from the outside – from parents, friends or society. At some point in time, you who are reading this will have to take the momentous leap to true empowerment, which means to really believe in yourself and to truly honor and act upon your natural inclinations and your inner knowing.
We invite you to do so and we assure you that we will be with you every step of the way – just like you will be there for others on their way in the not too distant future.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
essential oil spritzers for space clearing
I'm not sure if I've mentioned it in here (but I have in my book) that you can make essential oil spritzer sprays to use in areas where burning incense or candles isn't really acceptable, like your cube at work. You can also use these spritzers in the car and around the house if you share your space with someone who has asthma or breathing issues (the smoke from incense and smudging isn't really good for them). These sprays are very light since the biggest ingredient is filtered / distilled / blessed water. And since our homes can get a bit static-ey in the winter (unless you have the humidifier way up ;>), you could also use these in large pots of hot water, either on your cook stove or wood stove (many of which can be used for also baking and warming food) to clear and scent the home. Yes, you can even put them in a stove-top humidifier and I bet they'd work just as well in a warm mist humidifier (electric), but the oils might discolor the plastic. :)
The basic oils used in the space clearing spritzer spray are listed below. Play with the amounts and proportions of the oils, following your intuition and your nose. :) You may even find some scents that you want to put into a single oil spray. A few of my favorite oils for that Rosewood, Amber Attar, and Dragon's Blood. Dragon's Blood is an especially powerful cleanser and it clears things the others can't. (Spraying or burning Dragon's Blood and calling on Archangel Michael will clear Anything and Everything!)
When I mixed up the batch below and used it in the office the first time, I had folks drifting over from other parts of the office asking about it. What they keyed in on was the Rosewood woodsy-spicy scent. Everyone who smells the spritzer with the Rosewood as the strongest note LOVES it! This mix (and especially the Rosewood) is quite grounding (helps w/ staying focused at work) yet clears and opens all energy centers.
Here's the clearing mixture for a 4 oz batch, with the oils listed most to least amounts:
The basic oils used in the space clearing spritzer spray are listed below. Play with the amounts and proportions of the oils, following your intuition and your nose. :) You may even find some scents that you want to put into a single oil spray. A few of my favorite oils for that Rosewood, Amber Attar, and Dragon's Blood. Dragon's Blood is an especially powerful cleanser and it clears things the others can't. (Spraying or burning Dragon's Blood and calling on Archangel Michael will clear Anything and Everything!)
When I mixed up the batch below and used it in the office the first time, I had folks drifting over from other parts of the office asking about it. What they keyed in on was the Rosewood woodsy-spicy scent. Everyone who smells the spritzer with the Rosewood as the strongest note LOVES it! This mix (and especially the Rosewood) is quite grounding (helps w/ staying focused at work) yet clears and opens all energy centers.
Here's the clearing mixture for a 4 oz batch, with the oils listed most to least amounts:
- Rosewood (10-20 drops)
- Frankincense (6-7 drops)
- Helichrysum (2-4 drops) --- very strong scent
- Orange (4-5 drops)
- Juniper Berry (2-4 drops) --- very strong scent
- Myrrh (1-3 drops)
Start with the oils used in the smallest amounts and work your way up. Add them to a base of filtered water in a spray bottle (4 oz). You can either clear/infuse with Reiki/Healing Energy separately or as the finished mixture. Experiment with the proportions and use what your intuition (and nose) tells you. :) Enjoy!
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Ghost Stories: Denver's Top Haunts - Buckhorn Exchange
It is that time of the year....leaves falling, nights longer, days shorter, and the ghosties & goblins will be showing up on my doorstep soon for treats. :) So, in the spirit of the season, I'll add a few more posts about haunted Colorado.
Today's entry is the Buckhorn Exchange restaurant. It's Denver's oldest restaurant, dating back to 1893 when "Shorty Scout" Zietz opened it as a trading post. Short, who was given his nickname by Chief Sitting Bull, rode with Buffalo Bill. It's so old ----how old is it? --- it holds the state's very first liquor license: number 1. ;>
All of the early cattlemen, settlers, miners, railroad builders, silver barons, Indian Chiefs, gamblers, businessmen, and roustabouts made it a point to drop in at the Buckhorn Exchange. It was one of the most well known and loved stops. President Teddy Roosevelt ate dinner there in 1905 and then went hunting with Shorty as his guide.
In 1938 Chief Red Cloud (Sitting Bull's nephew) and a delegation of 30 Sioux & Blackfoot rode down Osage Street (where the Buckhorn is located) in full battle regalia and ceremoniously turned over to Shorty Custer's sword taken at the Battle of the Little Big Horn. The sword is still in Shorty's family today.
Besides Teddy Roosevelt, other presidents have visited there as well: FDR, Dwight Eisenhower, Jimmy Carter, and Ronald Reagan. And of course a slew of Hollywood legends.
Today, besides carrying exotic food that out-of-town-ers must try (rattlesnake, ostrich, buffalo, elk, alligator, rocky mountain oysters [yea, you've heard about those!], quail, etc.) it is also a destination for many "ghost hunters." Reports of voices, footsteps, and tables moving by themselves abound. It's believed that the ghosts of many of the colorful characters from the past who died nearby have made it their ghostly home.
I've been in there for dinner (the food is excellent, but they were out of rattlesnake) and at that time it was so busy and packed that hearing footsteps and voices was expected. It still carries inside it and around it the energy of the true wild west and that fierce nature of independence and rugged individualism.
Some pics of Buckhorn are below.
(exterior day / night)
Today's entry is the Buckhorn Exchange restaurant. It's Denver's oldest restaurant, dating back to 1893 when "Shorty Scout" Zietz opened it as a trading post. Short, who was given his nickname by Chief Sitting Bull, rode with Buffalo Bill. It's so old ----how old is it? --- it holds the state's very first liquor license: number 1. ;>
All of the early cattlemen, settlers, miners, railroad builders, silver barons, Indian Chiefs, gamblers, businessmen, and roustabouts made it a point to drop in at the Buckhorn Exchange. It was one of the most well known and loved stops. President Teddy Roosevelt ate dinner there in 1905 and then went hunting with Shorty as his guide.
In 1938 Chief Red Cloud (Sitting Bull's nephew) and a delegation of 30 Sioux & Blackfoot rode down Osage Street (where the Buckhorn is located) in full battle regalia and ceremoniously turned over to Shorty Custer's sword taken at the Battle of the Little Big Horn. The sword is still in Shorty's family today.
Besides Teddy Roosevelt, other presidents have visited there as well: FDR, Dwight Eisenhower, Jimmy Carter, and Ronald Reagan. And of course a slew of Hollywood legends.
Today, besides carrying exotic food that out-of-town-ers must try (rattlesnake, ostrich, buffalo, elk, alligator, rocky mountain oysters [yea, you've heard about those!], quail, etc.) it is also a destination for many "ghost hunters." Reports of voices, footsteps, and tables moving by themselves abound. It's believed that the ghosts of many of the colorful characters from the past who died nearby have made it their ghostly home.
I've been in there for dinner (the food is excellent, but they were out of rattlesnake) and at that time it was so busy and packed that hearing footsteps and voices was expected. It still carries inside it and around it the energy of the true wild west and that fierce nature of independence and rugged individualism.
Some pics of Buckhorn are below.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
energy healing/medicine going mainstream?
I ran across an article over at Noetic Sciences that talks in detail about how "energy psychology" is now being accepted by the "mainstream" psychology circles.
Anytime something starts being accepted by the mainstream psych circles, you can bet your butt there's something to it. For example, hypnosis & hypnotherapy and now energy healing & energy medicine, which they're also taking to include bits of EFT (emotional freedom technique-tapping acupressure points), as well as clearing blockages in chakras.
But don't take my word for it, take a look a the article. :)
Anytime something starts being accepted by the mainstream psych circles, you can bet your butt there's something to it. For example, hypnosis & hypnotherapy and now energy healing & energy medicine, which they're also taking to include bits of EFT (emotional freedom technique-tapping acupressure points), as well as clearing blockages in chakras.
But don't take my word for it, take a look a the article. :)
Saturday, September 15, 2012
the real poop on 2012 :)
Kryon has a free video lecture up & available here:
Everything you wanted to know and the clarifications you're looking for on 2012: the galactic alignment w/ the galactic equator, the 26,000 year cycle (precession because of the wobble), lost knowledge, decision points from the past (where some of the lost civilizations decided to self terminate? possibly... and that's probably why it's freaking a number of folks out), the "3 days of darkness," fractal time, the Mayan, and of course the things that have been made up to scare you about it.
It really is the highest realm of consciousness. A paradigm shift. A higher vibration & expansion into new realities. We may have blown ourselves up in previous times when this decision point arrived, but This Time we've made it. Enough of us have held the light and enough are continuing to grow and the light is getting stronger and stronger. This Time we get a Golden Age.
Running time is about an hour complete with illustrations and images.
:) Enjoy!
Everything you wanted to know and the clarifications you're looking for on 2012: the galactic alignment w/ the galactic equator, the 26,000 year cycle (precession because of the wobble), lost knowledge, decision points from the past (where some of the lost civilizations decided to self terminate? possibly... and that's probably why it's freaking a number of folks out), the "3 days of darkness," fractal time, the Mayan, and of course the things that have been made up to scare you about it.
It really is the highest realm of consciousness. A paradigm shift. A higher vibration & expansion into new realities. We may have blown ourselves up in previous times when this decision point arrived, but This Time we've made it. Enough of us have held the light and enough are continuing to grow and the light is getting stronger and stronger. This Time we get a Golden Age.
Running time is about an hour complete with illustrations and images.
:) Enjoy!
Sunday, July 22, 2012
soul contracts, evolving, ascension & crazy shootings
December 2013 Update: Friday afternoon another shooting occurred at Arapahoe High School. This location is only about 5 miles away from me. Fortunately or unfortunately however you'd like to look at it, the Sheriff's departments in Colorado have had more than their share of responding to mass shootings over the 15 years, starting with Columbine in '99. They shut it down within 5 minutes of the radio call from a deputy who was at the high school when the shooting began. Apparently the kid (senior) was kicked off the debate team and that's the teacher/librarian he was targeting. Really? Because he was kicked off the debate team? Are we as a society not teaching our kids how to control or deal with their anger? You can't just damp it down, but you also don't kill people over it. You acknowledge it because ALL feelings must be honored even if they are not good or positive or high vibration. You acknowledge it and let it move through you. You look at the reason and if it's something you can do something about then do but in your own self because all we really control in this life is our own actions and reactions. We can't control others.
I know there are other out there that don't agree with that because when I have voiced this opinion before they have tried to shut me down. But when you shut down your emotions ---- even if only the "bad" or negative ones ---- what you don't realize is that the other, good and positive emotions follow as well. And that's not good for anyone. We're humans. We're emotional, both good and bad emotions. We're not Mr. Spock from Star Trek, and even he had emotional outbursts from his human half all the time. I know this because I speak from experience. You tell anyone to shut down half of their emotional body and you will get an explosion from it sooner or later.
September 2012 Update: Little did I know when I wrote the entry above how many other mass shootings would occur this summer. Recently, a Kryon message about soul contracts surfaced when he received a question from someone incarcerated for killing another while drunk driving. In the typical Kryon fashion, the answer was (besides that yes there was some agreement to do this) to look around where you are and what good can you cause to come of this? To not squander the opportunity given with such love... obviously speaking from a higher level of consciousness there. He advised those involved to not get stuck in the drama or "victimization" but to move past it and to make certain that such a gift---the life--- was remembered and the gift used well. Please, remember those... all of those... who gave such a gift of love so that lessons could be learned and light shed. Blessings and God/Goddess be with us all....
I live in Colorado. Moved here from the East Coast not long after Columbine (99) --- I arrived in Feb 2000 and Columbine was still fresh in everyone's memory. Still is.... never gone, just not on the tip of everyone's tongues anymore. Columbine was the first of the mass shootings that would between then and now happen around the country in various places and even around the world--- Norway. Its 1 year anniversary was this weekend.
When we woke up to the goings on in Aurora Friday morning, everyone here was stunned. Phone calls were flying before my alarm even went off --- I work for an East Coast company for my "day job" and and there are several of us in Colorado employed by them --- at least 10 on my team and probably another 10 on a different team.
When I was talking to HR on my way to work, I told them that we'd need to be extra sensitive to anyone who had been involved in Columbine because this incident would just rip the psychological scars right off. Unfortunately, I was right. Unbeknownst to me I would learn later that morning that one of my team members had indeed been at Columbine HS as a student during the incident in 99.
Later, another team member who has a bit more of a "woo woo" bent (like me) sent this message:
I'm fairly certain that I'll be one of the ones who stays behind to help. Many things in my experience point to this, including the ability to venture into areas that are "dark" for long periods of time while maintaining my own bubble of light. Many of my friends cannot venture into those places let alone stay there for very long. But those dark places are also the places where Light is needed to the most.
So, the next obvious question is why Colorado first? My instinct tells me it's because of the altitude. Thinner atmosphere and less protection from the increase of photons & energy that we're experiencing and will continue to experience for the rest of our lifetimes. It's part of what the whole 2012 & ascension thing is all about.
My teammate then proceeded to say something to the effect that "sometimes, I think we're closer to the end of the world than we know...."
To which I responded (again w/ verification signals all over), "we are both closer and farther away than you think..."
Those who won't be jumping, will stay in 3-D. They will live their lives out here, go thru the death process & be re-born into another 3-D "earth" that is being prepared now.
Those who are going to jump with Mother Earth will help her make the jump. This is something that has been in the works for eons... millions of years, and actually getting her to the point of jumping is something many of us have been working on thru many, many lifetimes on this beautiful little blue planet.
So, see it for what it is. Recognize that our souls are indeed immortal and that all is not as it appears here. Be at peace with your life, your decisions, and your soul. And we'll all reunite on the other side....before picking our parts and doing it all again.
Namaste' my friends. And may God/Goddess be with you all.
I know there are other out there that don't agree with that because when I have voiced this opinion before they have tried to shut me down. But when you shut down your emotions ---- even if only the "bad" or negative ones ---- what you don't realize is that the other, good and positive emotions follow as well. And that's not good for anyone. We're humans. We're emotional, both good and bad emotions. We're not Mr. Spock from Star Trek, and even he had emotional outbursts from his human half all the time. I know this because I speak from experience. You tell anyone to shut down half of their emotional body and you will get an explosion from it sooner or later.
September 2012 Update: Little did I know when I wrote the entry above how many other mass shootings would occur this summer. Recently, a Kryon message about soul contracts surfaced when he received a question from someone incarcerated for killing another while drunk driving. In the typical Kryon fashion, the answer was (besides that yes there was some agreement to do this) to look around where you are and what good can you cause to come of this? To not squander the opportunity given with such love... obviously speaking from a higher level of consciousness there. He advised those involved to not get stuck in the drama or "victimization" but to move past it and to make certain that such a gift---the life--- was remembered and the gift used well. Please, remember those... all of those... who gave such a gift of love so that lessons could be learned and light shed. Blessings and God/Goddess be with us all....
I live in Colorado. Moved here from the East Coast not long after Columbine (99) --- I arrived in Feb 2000 and Columbine was still fresh in everyone's memory. Still is.... never gone, just not on the tip of everyone's tongues anymore. Columbine was the first of the mass shootings that would between then and now happen around the country in various places and even around the world--- Norway. Its 1 year anniversary was this weekend.
When we woke up to the goings on in Aurora Friday morning, everyone here was stunned. Phone calls were flying before my alarm even went off --- I work for an East Coast company for my "day job" and and there are several of us in Colorado employed by them --- at least 10 on my team and probably another 10 on a different team.
When I was talking to HR on my way to work, I told them that we'd need to be extra sensitive to anyone who had been involved in Columbine because this incident would just rip the psychological scars right off. Unfortunately, I was right. Unbeknownst to me I would learn later that morning that one of my team members had indeed been at Columbine HS as a student during the incident in 99.
Later, another team member who has a bit more of a "woo woo" bent (like me) sent this message:
All I kept thinking about when I read about the shootings was “contracts”. Someone had to agree to come down here to do the shooting and others agreed to be victims. It’s times like this that I feel I may end up back here on earth again because I haven’t evolved enough to put my head around all the “whys”. You know what I mean?"So my reply to her (below) sent off a bunch of verification signals for me & I thought I would share it here for anyone else trying to make metaphysical sense of it all. I hope it helps, in its own small way.
Yes…. All I can say is that at times like this it is easier to think about it (things here) as if it were a play--- and we all picked our parts and put contracts in place….because we’re all just a bunch of grad students and learning about the Light and the Dark… and the nature of each…. Things like this… will also be increasing in occurrence…. The increased energy, not everyone can handle. There are some who are not “jumping” to the next higher dimension who will stay here to help w/ stuff like this…. Those who can’t or won’t evolve up will re-incarnate on another 3-D Earth that’s being prepared… because our little blue planet is also evolving up…. :) And that’s why there is so much help here now… angels, ascended masters, all kinds of helpers & healers from many different dimensions & many different times… I know some of that may sound “way out” there…
I'm fairly certain that I'll be one of the ones who stays behind to help. Many things in my experience point to this, including the ability to venture into areas that are "dark" for long periods of time while maintaining my own bubble of light. Many of my friends cannot venture into those places let alone stay there for very long. But those dark places are also the places where Light is needed to the most.
So, the next obvious question is why Colorado first? My instinct tells me it's because of the altitude. Thinner atmosphere and less protection from the increase of photons & energy that we're experiencing and will continue to experience for the rest of our lifetimes. It's part of what the whole 2012 & ascension thing is all about.
My teammate then proceeded to say something to the effect that "sometimes, I think we're closer to the end of the world than we know...."
To which I responded (again w/ verification signals all over), "we are both closer and farther away than you think..."
Those who won't be jumping, will stay in 3-D. They will live their lives out here, go thru the death process & be re-born into another 3-D "earth" that is being prepared now.
Those who are going to jump with Mother Earth will help her make the jump. This is something that has been in the works for eons... millions of years, and actually getting her to the point of jumping is something many of us have been working on thru many, many lifetimes on this beautiful little blue planet.
So, see it for what it is. Recognize that our souls are indeed immortal and that all is not as it appears here. Be at peace with your life, your decisions, and your soul. And we'll all reunite on the other side....before picking our parts and doing it all again.
Namaste' my friends. And may God/Goddess be with you all.
Sunday, July 15, 2012
info on the mind / body connection
Sometimes I am just amazed that things I have written and published several years ago are still getting hits (and sometimes a lot of hits) today! I have a hypnosis blog (that I really haven't been adding much information too lately) and the post on the mind / body connection and how it relates to energy healing and hypnosis keeps coming in at the top of the charts.
If you're interested, take a look over here at the post on Hypnotic Melodie.
If you're interested, take a look over here at the post on Hypnotic Melodie.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
video series: The Pyramid Code
I stumbled across this video series on NetFlix and loved it so much I ran out to Amazon and dropped a copy in my cart (less than $20 for the series). You can also find all 5 episodes on YouTube.
Those who have been seekers for years will recognize many things their own hearts & higher selves tells them to be true while watching. Beautiful cinematography, views from many scientists on many aspects. (Some might call them "fringe" scientists, but then that depends on your perspective doesn't it? ;>)
It talks about subtle energies (pyramids built to boost them) and the tie between the Golden Ages & the 26,000 year cycle, which you will rarely find in any materials at all. I especially enjoyed the commentary from the old Egyptian "wisdom keeper" who was also an archaeologist. In my mind he immediately became an Egyptian "medicine man" sharing all the knowledge that had been kept secret for eons.
This series isn't just about Ancient Egypt ---- ancient knowledge from the Veda's (Hindu culture) and China are also intertwined.
There is also a website connected to the series if you're interested. It's at
The series also talks a bit about 2012 Winter Solstice and its significance, as well as the increasing energy we're experiencing as we head up from this dark age (spiritually speaking anyway).
26000 year cycle,
Golden Ages,
subtle energies
Sunday, June 17, 2012
stuffed day lilies
I just ran across this recipe for stuffed day lilies (for tea time) and had to share! It's from Tea Time magazine.
day lilies,
edible flowers,
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Day lilies are edible? Really?
I just ran across an interesting tidbit over at the Wise Woman herbal e-zine (Susun Weed): Day Lilies are edible! Apparently all lilies that face up are edible. Here's the blurb below, and for more you can hit the original.
Day lily (Hemerocallis fulva)
This showy roadside weed is one of the first edible weeds I put in my salad. There is no mistaking the bright orange flowers! (All upward-facing lilies are safe to eat, no matter what their color. Lilies that face out or down are not safe to eat.) In China, day lilies are dried and added to soups and other foods. Euell Gibbons dipped the flowers in batter and fried them. The blossoms, harvested early in the morning, just before they open, are considered a specific remedy for women with a genetic disposition toward breast cancer.
Day lily (Hemerocallis fulva)
This showy roadside weed is one of the first edible weeds I put in my salad. There is no mistaking the bright orange flowers! (All upward-facing lilies are safe to eat, no matter what their color. Lilies that face out or down are not safe to eat.) In China, day lilies are dried and added to soups and other foods. Euell Gibbons dipped the flowers in batter and fried them. The blossoms, harvested early in the morning, just before they open, are considered a specific remedy for women with a genetic disposition toward breast cancer.
day lilies,
edible flowers,
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Paperback version now on Amazon :)
The paperback version is now available on Amazon. This one can go where the electronic version can't --- in the bathtub, outside in bad weather, or propped open while you follow various steps. Enjoy! :)
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Paperback version now available!
The paperback version of Working with your Angels: Clearing and Blessing your Home is now available! Follow the link above to purchase now.
It will be available in Amazon within the next week (by June 2, 2012), and available for libraries and other bookstores 6 to 8 weeks after that. Now you can take the instructions outside with you while energetically sealing your propery line and setting up your crystalline protection grid.
stress reducer....4.5 min of relaxation :)
watching fish tanks lowers your blood's 4.5 min of a coral reef set to soothing piano music :)
Friday, May 25, 2012
Easy No Bake Cookies for those w/ peanut & dairy issues
Last weekend (or was it 2 weekends ago?) I was in the mood for some chocolaty, easy no-bake cookies, but because of some of my (and the other half's) dietary issues they had to be made w/o peanut butter (or peanuts) and w/o dairy. So, I went digging thru several recipe websites and really couldn't find any recipes meeting those requirements; however, I was able to find enough ideas in several of them to concoct my own. :)
The version below uses Coconut Milk (you could also use Almond Milk or Soy Milk), very little sugar, semisweet toll-house chocolate chips, flaked coconut, and of course oats (make certain it's the instant oats otherwise they won't hang together well). Those of you who have tried and liked the potato soup recipe w/ coconut milk will probably also like this one. AND it takes care of that sweet and/or chocolate craving very well --- one little cookie will knock out both cravings.
1 C Coconut Milk
1 C Sugar (white or brown or you can try honey--if you do, please let us know how it turns out!)
3/4C Butter (or margarine or butter-flavored vegetable shortening)
2 C Semisweet Chocolate Chips, melted (put in Pyrex & microwave; you could also use carob chips if you don't like chocolate or milk chocolate chips. (Although if you use milk chocolate, decrease the sugar amount. If it's chocolate you're craving, the darker chocolates will knock out that craving better than milk chocolate. ;>))
3 C Flaked, Sweetened Coconut adjusted to taste (if you use unsweetened you may need to increase the sugar)
1 teaspoon Vanilla (real vanilla extract. This is also handy to help with toothaches until you can get into the dentist---soak a cotton ball in the vanilla extract and hold it on the tooth. Repeat as needed until you get into the dentist. This will not work with imitation vanilla; it must be real vanilla extract.)
6 C Instant Oats (we'll add this slowly as we mix, so use more or less as needed)
Wax Paper & Cookie Pans
Put the chocolate chips in a 2 C Pyrex container and melt it in the microwave. Check the softness after 1 to 1.5 min (90 sec) and mix & extend as needed. You'll need to do short increments to avoid "boiling" the chocolate.
In a pan large enough to hold all the ingredients above, on the stove top mix together the sugar, butter, and milk and bring to a boil for 2 minutes. Add the vanilla an stir.
Add the chocolate chips. You may need to keep on the heat (not boiling) to completely melt the chocolate so it goes into solution with everything else in the pan.
Turn off the heat. Add the Instant Oats, 1 cup at a time and mix thoroughly. You may want to alternate the additions with coconut as you make sure the mixture doesn't dry out too much to stick together.
When you have a sticky, gooey mess, line the cookie pans with waxed paper and spoon onto the wax paper to set. These are quite rich, so for smaller cookies use a teaspoon; for larger ones use a tablespoon.
Enjoy! A batch this size lasted two of us over a week (and the other half ate most of them!) :)
The version below uses Coconut Milk (you could also use Almond Milk or Soy Milk), very little sugar, semisweet toll-house chocolate chips, flaked coconut, and of course oats (make certain it's the instant oats otherwise they won't hang together well). Those of you who have tried and liked the potato soup recipe w/ coconut milk will probably also like this one. AND it takes care of that sweet and/or chocolate craving very well --- one little cookie will knock out both cravings.
1 C Coconut Milk
1 C Sugar (white or brown or you can try honey--if you do, please let us know how it turns out!)
3/4C Butter (or margarine or butter-flavored vegetable shortening)
2 C Semisweet Chocolate Chips, melted (put in Pyrex & microwave; you could also use carob chips if you don't like chocolate or milk chocolate chips. (Although if you use milk chocolate, decrease the sugar amount. If it's chocolate you're craving, the darker chocolates will knock out that craving better than milk chocolate. ;>))
3 C Flaked, Sweetened Coconut adjusted to taste (if you use unsweetened you may need to increase the sugar)
1 teaspoon Vanilla (real vanilla extract. This is also handy to help with toothaches until you can get into the dentist---soak a cotton ball in the vanilla extract and hold it on the tooth. Repeat as needed until you get into the dentist. This will not work with imitation vanilla; it must be real vanilla extract.)
6 C Instant Oats (we'll add this slowly as we mix, so use more or less as needed)
Wax Paper & Cookie Pans
Put the chocolate chips in a 2 C Pyrex container and melt it in the microwave. Check the softness after 1 to 1.5 min (90 sec) and mix & extend as needed. You'll need to do short increments to avoid "boiling" the chocolate.
In a pan large enough to hold all the ingredients above, on the stove top mix together the sugar, butter, and milk and bring to a boil for 2 minutes. Add the vanilla an stir.
Add the chocolate chips. You may need to keep on the heat (not boiling) to completely melt the chocolate so it goes into solution with everything else in the pan.
Turn off the heat. Add the Instant Oats, 1 cup at a time and mix thoroughly. You may want to alternate the additions with coconut as you make sure the mixture doesn't dry out too much to stick together.
When you have a sticky, gooey mess, line the cookie pans with waxed paper and spoon onto the wax paper to set. These are quite rich, so for smaller cookies use a teaspoon; for larger ones use a tablespoon.
Enjoy! A batch this size lasted two of us over a week (and the other half ate most of them!) :)
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Dolores Cannon books & vids & info
I just stumbled across Dolores Cannon and her books & videos & info in the last few weeks. She's a hypnotherapist who's been doing past life regressions for the last 40 years! And my or my, what a wealth of information she's managed to collect. :)
Her technique is to (after view a life or several lives) pull in the higher-self, the soul self, the over soul, the super-conscious. She just called it the "sub-conscious" because at the time she first started doing this she didn't know what to call it.
The video link is about 47 minutes and she talks about all kinds of things, including the vibration shift and the split that will occur and how to eat to maintain that higher vib. More reasons to ramp up your vibration as high as possible this year. :) Enjoy!
Her technique is to (after view a life or several lives) pull in the higher-self, the soul self, the over soul, the super-conscious. She just called it the "sub-conscious" because at the time she first started doing this she didn't know what to call it.
The video link is about 47 minutes and she talks about all kinds of things, including the vibration shift and the split that will occur and how to eat to maintain that higher vib. More reasons to ramp up your vibration as high as possible this year. :) Enjoy!
Sunday, May 6, 2012
beauty tip (courtesy of my dermatologist ;>)
As we age and birth the wise old crone, depending on our genetics we may find things growing where they didn't before, growing where they don't belong, and other areas becoming thinner and not replenishing themselves as they once did. What's the quote? Growing old isn't for the faint of heart! :)
To help with some of those "growing where they don't belong" things (like skin tags) here's a frugal tip my dermatologist told me about: Instead of going to the dermatologist for skin tag removal, buy an over-the-counter cryogenic wart removal kit. These kits work just as well at freezing the skin tags (as they do at warts) so they fall off over the next week after freezing.
I would add one note of caution to this: Please, follow the directions on the kit EXACTLY as written. And if you have skin tags near your eyes, or growing from a lid, those probably do warrant a trip to your dermatologist!
Skin tags result from the skin cells getting the "wrong" message that tells them to pinch off and become entirely separate from the rest of your skin. Remember from basic biology, your skin is your largest organ! And it has protected you throughout your life from all kinds of nastiness, including UV (ultraviolet), IR (infrared), viruses, bacteria, and all sorts of invaders. Your skin has also taken a hit if you ever smoked (decreases the elasticity, especially around your face and mouth). AND it has protected you from all sorts of background radiation that is naturally occurring. Basic genetics also tells us that that very same radiation can cause genetic damage. So that combined with a genetic pre-disposition (did your mom or dad or both (like mine!) have skin tags as they aged?) means they will start showing up more and more frequently as we age.
Our immune systems also aren't as strong when we age, so you may indeed find yourself removing all kinds of strange things! This is also true for animals and is why giving them immune-boosting food and/or supplements is a very good idea. My elderly dogs don't eat nearly as much as they used, but since I've been making sure what they do it is full of immune-boosting goodies and high in vitamins and protein, they've been a bit more spry the last few weeks. One of them does indeed have several warts growing in various places, including one in his third eye. We have frozen that puppy off several time and it just keeps coming back, so I'm hoping the immune boosting food I've switched them too will also help those warts disappear. We know now that warts result from a virus, and that when our immune systems are stressed or just depleted as they get older that lets opportunistic critters (like viruses) take a hold.
So, be nice to your skin! Thank it for all that it has done for you and continues to do.
until next time,
Monday, April 9, 2012
Stinging Nettle Infusion Update & Herbed Potato Soup
I've been using the stinging nettle infusion regularly for about the last 4-5 weeks, and it works wonderfully! I go through about 1 quart or so of the infusion a week. I keep it in the fridge and have a small cup (4-6 ounces) on weekday mornings with breakfast. What I've noticed is that (1) it really fills me up and I expect this is because of the dense nutrients and minerals it contains and (2) regular use controls and dries up flooding. In fact, I can tell when I need to get another cup in me. :)
I usually nuke it about 20-30 sec and add a little bit of Truvia (stevia plant) to it. It's not really bitter exactly, but it is certainly GREEN tasting!
I haven't been using the oat straw as regularly, but will let you know when I do. I did make a potato soup w/ stinging nettle & horse tail (contains lots of silica and other minerals), which turned out quite good. Here's the quick recipe below if anyone wants to try it. And don't be afraid to experiment! :)
Potato Soup w/ Stinging Nettle Leaf & Horse Tail Leaf
I usually nuke it about 20-30 sec and add a little bit of Truvia (stevia plant) to it. It's not really bitter exactly, but it is certainly GREEN tasting!
I haven't been using the oat straw as regularly, but will let you know when I do. I did make a potato soup w/ stinging nettle & horse tail (contains lots of silica and other minerals), which turned out quite good. Here's the quick recipe below if anyone wants to try it. And don't be afraid to experiment! :)
Potato Soup w/ Stinging Nettle Leaf & Horse Tail Leaf
- 3 lbs baby red potatoes
- 3 quarts liquid. I used 1 qt almond milk (just to get rid of it), 1 qt chicken broth, and 1 qt coconut mile. Next time I'll use 2 qt coconut milk and no almond milk. The coconut milk gives it a nice sweet flavor.
- 1 handful each of stinging nettle leaf and horse tail leaf.
(You might want to put these in cheese cloth and hang them in the soup.) - Dill and black pepper to taste ( I like a LOT of dill and it seemed to complement the nettle and horse tail flavors.)
- Simmer for a few hours on the stove, or in slow cooker on low heat until the potatoes are tender.
- Dish up and sprinkle with a little salt just before serving.
The herbs make it nutrient & mineral dense, packed full of things that menopausal females need. :) Enjoy!
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
cool vid showing aura change during Reiki
Cool vid I ran across on YouTube that shows the changes in an aura during a reiki session. :)
Monday, March 19, 2012
Divine Feminine explained
Most of you know what I'm talking about when I refer to the "Divine Feminine" but, believe it or not, there are those among us (including my last ex) who have no idea what I'm referring to when I talk about that. So, let me explain, especially since our name (Luna Wellness) is linked to the moon and to the Divine Feminine aspect. :)
In the religions that pre-date Christianity (and there were many) what they all have in common is that the feminine aspect of what is "God" is represented. In some cultures she is that of a young maiden, in others that of the crone seen in fertility symbols and carvings. Sometimes she is recognized as one of two gods that are known as a "godhead" because there is both a masculine and a feminine aspect recognized of the balanced God being. In all cases, she is seen as the creative part that gives life and nourishes and sustains life.
She is often tied to the moon because of the "moon time" that women the world over endure during their fertile years --- the years during which they can create and birth life. She is also often tied to the Earth...Mother Earth because without her benevolence and nurturing and providing for all life, it would soon die.
In symbols we see the Divine Feminine represented as the receiving aspect, while the Divine Masculine is represented as the initiating aspect. Separately, neither gives life, but together they produce life. Together they produced the universe. These two aspects are seen in sacred geometry as the 6-pointed Star-of-David; the union of the masculine and the feminine.
In those ancient cultures, the two equals of the godhead, the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine walked together and were treated as equals. Both were strong; neither was subservient to the other---they were equal partners.
It is only later that we see the efforts to erase the feminine aspect of the godhead and even portray the feminine as "evil" by nature. As the early Christian church grew and absorbed many "pagan" rites and holidays into its own rituals, it also started removing the Divine Feminine from those rituals. Worse yet, it also tried to remove the Divine Feminine aspect from its own sacred writings as well. As a writer & editor I can tell you that all written materials are edited, starting with which stories are told and which are not. For the Christian church, that editing of which stories were included and which weren't happened at the Council of Nicaea called by Pope Constantine in AD325. And of course they didn't think any of the Gnostic Gospels belonged in the official version of the sacred book. If the Gnostics had had their way, there wouldn't have been any organized religion at all....but I digress.
So, the time for reclaiming the Divine Feminine aspect of the Source, the Creator, Great Spirit, the Holy Spirit (I think of her as the Holy Mother Spirit), or God by whatever name you wish to use has finally arrived. Beginning in 2012 and moving forward, the Divine Feminine energies will again regain their equal footing with the Divine Masculine energies. Mother Earth herself is going through some birthing pains as we recognize and resurrect those Divine Feminine energies and as she moves her own energies around to strengthen the feminine aspect. Some will tell you that Earth's kundalani energy (where it surfaces from the center of the Earth) has moved from Tibet/India to Peru and the Andes in South American. I bet that revelation didn't surprise you at all. There's been an awful lot of interest in the Mayan lately. :)
So, to help reconnect with the Divine Feminine aspect of yourself whether you are male or female (or goal is to have balanced masculine and feminine energies no matter what our physical sex is) here are a few things you can do:
- Listen to your intuition
If you can't hear it, the listen for it first. - Appreciate the beauty of nature around you
If you're in the city, find some green in a park. The human eye is more sensitive to shades of green than any other color. - Notice the ebb and flow of nature around you, the seasons, the tides, the phases of the moon, the crickets singing outside your window.
- Lead with your heart, not your head
That can be hard to do in our logical, male dominated, left-brained Western societies because we are trained from childhood (unless you had a very wise mother) to follow the logic. Listening to your intuition helps you to learn to trust your heart to lead, even if and especially if you've been smacked down before for leading with it. The goal is to have the Heart and the Head working together, but having the Head recognize that the Heart is in charge....very hard for those of us who live in our heads, but definitely worth it and worth working on it. :> - Find some quiet time to encourage the growth of all these things inside yourself, even if it's only 15 minutes at lunch or right before bed. Go deep inside and connect to that quiet place where the Divine Spark lives inside you. And as you encourage this spark, it will become a flame ever growing stronger. As it grows stronger, so do you and your intuition and manifesting your highest self in this time and space and living up to your potential.
Remember, the more of us who can hold the energies the better as Mother Earth re-births herself and as we re-birth our consciousness to a higher level.
in the light,
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Birthing the Crone: kundalani energy & herbal infusions
Maiden, Mother & Crone. The three stages of a woman's life. Our modern society, unfortunately, places a large emphasis on the Maiden stage. A somewhat smaller emphasis on the Mother stage, and by the time we hit the Crone stage we are all but ignored and written off as dead--- or at least psycho!
(Not that I mind...I've always pictured my older years much like the crazy old lady who grows tomatoes in her yard... or like the character Shirley MacLaine played in Steel Magnolias.)
If fact, not long ago someone tried using menopause as a defense in court. It reminded me of the Twinkies Defense or the PMS defense. Menopause is NOT a disease! It's a perfectly natural, normal stage of a woman's life. It is when women come into to their power, and our society seems to not like women of power at all. Personally, I think it scares all the men! LOL
Many of the "witches" burned in Europe then later in America were older women (Crones) who were often the village healer, midwife, see-er, and psychotherapist. She was independent and often had property of her own, which many of the men hated. In that time, women coming into their own power scared the men so badly they put them to death! (Of course, it wasn't just the men that were responsible for the deaths, but they were the ones in power who let it happen. Encouraged it even, especially when one of them was going to grab the land.)
There was a time, not that long ago, when elder females were respected. Honored. When their wisdom was sought out in council, for example in the Iroquois Nation historically the women had veto power over the men when it came to war. If the women did not agree, it didn't happen. I think it's time that women take back that power, as well as the many others we've lost over the years. It's all part of us recovering the Divine Feminine part of the godhead and restoring her to her rightful place.
As part of taking back my own power and birthing my own Crone self, I've been reading some interesting material lately. For instance, did you know that the more hot flashes a woman has during her change years the healthier she is? Or that those hot flashes are actually recognized by some as kundalini energy? The very same kundalani energy that Men spend years trying to unleash in themselves? If those are new revelations to you, then I highly recommend reading New Menopausal Years: the Wise Woman Way by Susun Weed. She's been an herbalist for years and has trained with many traditional American Indian teachers. (She's in upstate NY.)
Just those first two revelations alone can change your entire outlook on this major change in which the transition period may last for years if it occurs naturally or it may come all at once if it's happened surgically or for other medical reasons (chemo).
My own change started when I was 35 with night sweats. It would be many, many years before an official diagnosis of severe endometriosis would be made to explain those night sweats and other symptoms, like why I needed to have two different kinds of pain killers (ibuprofen & acetaminophen in staggered dosages) in my system to alleviate cramping. That condition arises from too much estrogen circulating, and too much of a specific kind of estrogen. Interestingly, they have been able to reproduce in lab rats by exposing them to dioxin---a highly toxic chemical and a byproduct of burning plastic.
Remember where I grew up: out in the country where many burned their own trash... Some reports also link PCBs to endo; I spent a year in a commercial chem lab that did EPA testing on water, air, soil, or whatever was brought in for contamination, including PCB testing. That lab's hoods didn't always work as well as they should have... I left after a year for many reasons, including this stat: Chemists have the 2nd highest cancer rate in the nation---right behind farmers. (Crop farmers use a lot of chemicals (pesticide, herbicides, fertilizers, etc.) unless they're organic.)
Whatever the reason, it is what it is. And in the last couple of years the night sweats grow worse, it seems I'm bleeding all the time, and my emotions are on some kind of wicked roller coaster ride --- I weep at the drop of hat, and you can just as easily rouse my anger! Susun's book would say something like "Welcome, baby crone." ;>
So, many of my friends are having similar issues and wondering what is available naturally to help. I did try a supplement last year that claimed to be all natural--but it had MSG as the delivery system, and it only made me twitch! I'm twitchy enough already, thank you! So in the meantime I've been doing a lot of meditating and energy healing work on myself to help smooth things out (and to keep from biting everyone's head off, including my bosses).
What is below is how to make a basic herbal infusion (infusions are made from the dried herb w/ water and soaked from 4 hrs to overnight to extract all the goodies). Infusions are stronger than teas and extract more of the nutrients, and at our ages making certain we have enough nutrients starts becoming an issue. In fact, I have my own Stinging Nettle and Oat Straw infusions sitting on the stove now.... and had a liberal supply of Black Cohosh (hormonal effect; helps w/ hot flashes, including night sweats), Chamomile Flower (light sedative), and Skullcap (stronger sedative) tinctures delivered earlier this week. (Tinctures are stronger than infusions and contain the extract from the herbs in an alcohol base.) Susun's book also tells you how to make those as well as flavored vinegars.
Yes, I also have red clover tea and have 10 lbs of red clover seed being delivered this week. :> It's also a good backyard ground cover that will stand up to little furry feet better than normal lawn grass.
Anyway, the Stinging Nettle and Oat Straw infusions will be ingested on a regular basis starting today, and I thought I'd share below how to make them. Enjoy!
Herbal Infusions
These instructions are from one of Susun Weed's websites:
You can also find it from her main menopause website. They are the easiest instructions I've run across for making infusions, and believe me I have a ton of herbal books on my shelves!
To make a nourishing Herbal Infusion:
- Buy (or gather and dry) at least 1 oz (1 oz = 1 full Cup dried herb) of Stinging Nettle Leaf or Oat Straw or Red Clover Blossoms or Comfrey Leaf (make sure it's the Comfrey leaf and not the root; the root can be toxic).
- Place the 1 oz of dried herb in a single Quart jar. Old honey jars are great for this if you can't find mason jars.
- Fill the jar to the top with boiling water.
(Using a 2 cup Pyrex measure in the microwave it takes about 4 min to boil at my high altitude outside Denver.) - Cap tightly and shake once or twice to fully wet the herb.
- Allow to brew for at least 4 hours to as long as overnight.
- Strain and drink 2 to 4 cups a day.
Most menopausal women prefer their infusion iced, but you can drink it hot or at room temperature. Add a little mint, sage, or honey to change the flavor.
- Stinging Nettle Leaf (Urtica Dioica)
- Builds energy, strengthens the adrenals, and is said to restore youthful flexibility to blood vessels. A cup of nettle infusion contains 500 mg Calcium and generous amounts of bone-building magnesium, potassium, silicon, boron, and zinc. It's also an excellent source of vitamins A, D, E, and K. For flexible bones, a healthy heart, thick hair, beautiful skin, and lots of energy, make friends with sister stinging nettle. It may make you feel so good you'll jump up and exercise!
- Oat Straw (Avena Sativa)
- Reduces high cholesterol, increases libido, and strengthens the nerves. A cup of oat straw infusion contains more than 300 mg Calcium plus generous amounts of many other minerals. Its steroidal saponins nourish the pancreas and liver, improving digestion and stabilizing moods. Oat Straw is best known, however, for its ability to enhance libido and mellow the mood. Do be careful who you share it with, or you may find yourself sowing some wild oats! In Auryuvedic medicine, oat straw is considered the finest of all longevity tonics.
- Red Clover (Trifolium Pratense)
- It's better in every way than its cousin, soy. It contains 4 phytoestrogens; soy has one one (isoflavone). Red Clover infusion has 10 times more phytoestrogens than soy milk, fewer calories, more calcium, and no added sugars. Red Clover is the world's leading anti-cancer herb; soy isoflavone encourages the growth of breast cancer cells in the lab. Red Clover improves the memory; Japanese men who ate tofu twice a week doubled their risk of Alzheimer's disease. Soy beverage can contain up to 1000 times more aluminum than milk, according to Sally Fallon a lipid researcher and fat specialist. She believes that "the highly processed soy foods of today are perpetuating...nutrient deficiencies..." [Melodie's note: She's not the only one: see the book, The Whole Soy Story: the dark side of America's favorite health food published in 2005.]
- Comfrey Leaf (Symphytum Officinale)
- Comfrey Leaf is free of the compounds (PAs) found in the root that can damage the liver. I have used Comfrey Leaf Infusion regularly for decades with no liver problems, ditto for the group of people at the Henry Doubleday Research Foundation who have eaten cooked Comfrey Leaves as a vegetable for 4 generations. Comfrey Leaf is also known as "knit-bone" and no better ally for the woman with thin bones can be found. And don't forget, Comfrey Leaf contains special proteins used in the formation of short-term memory cells. Its soothing mucilage adds flexibility to joints, eyes, vagina, and lungs.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Working with your Angels: Clearing & Blessing your Home is available in Kindle format
The first book in the Working with your Angels series Clearing and Blessing your Home is available on Amazon in Kindle format and is very reasonably priced.
Best viewing is in the Kindle for PC mode, but if you don't mind black & white photos, it will work on the hand held devices just as well.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Free MP3 of Kryon in Boulder is up
The audio of the Boulder seminar Kryon channeling is up and available on the website. On the free audio page, scroll down to the bottom and click the Boulder 2012 link. Enjoy!
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Bruce Lipton on Energy Healing & Quantum Entanglement
I just ran across this great article at Huffington Post where Bruce Lipton explains Energy Healing, how & why it works, quantum entanglement, and why distance healing works. Bruce is a cell biologist & was a prof at NIH, Stanford, and U Wisconsin (among other places).
If your analytical side is as strong as mine (I'm also trained as a biologist), you look for these gems that help explain what your "woo woo" side already accepts and has witnessed. :)
Q: Is it possible to scientifically explain energy healing?
Bruce Lipton: Absolutely. There's a concept in quantum physics called "entanglement," which is when one energy source entangles with another so that they interfere with each other. This interference can be positive and harmonious, as with energy healing, or it can be negative. Physicist Amit Goswami published an article in a physics journal showing that entanglement affects people. He had two people meditate together and then separated them into two chambers where they couldn't see or hear one another. When one person had a light strobed by his eye, it caused the firing of a certain frequency in the brain. Remarkably, at the same moment, the other person's brain also fired, even though he never saw the light. This proves what we intuitively knew, that the energies of people can affect one another.
If your analytical side is as strong as mine (I'm also trained as a biologist), you look for these gems that help explain what your "woo woo" side already accepts and has witnessed. :)
Q: Is it possible to scientifically explain energy healing?
Bruce Lipton: Absolutely. There's a concept in quantum physics called "entanglement," which is when one energy source entangles with another so that they interfere with each other. This interference can be positive and harmonious, as with energy healing, or it can be negative. Physicist Amit Goswami published an article in a physics journal showing that entanglement affects people. He had two people meditate together and then separated them into two chambers where they couldn't see or hear one another. When one person had a light strobed by his eye, it caused the firing of a certain frequency in the brain. Remarkably, at the same moment, the other person's brain also fired, even though he never saw the light. This proves what we intuitively knew, that the energies of people can affect one another.
Q: What exactly happens in an energy healing session, then?
Bruce Lipton: What Goswami's study demonstrated is that when two people become entangled, one person will conform to the energy of the other person. When one of them is a healer whose cells are vibrating at a higher level, the client's cells become entangled, and their energy is lifted. That's why that old saying, "physician heal thyself," is so important, even though most don't understand it: If the physician's energy is going to influence or, in scientific terms, "entrain" the patient's, the doctor's must be higher.
Bruce Lipton: What Goswami's study demonstrated is that when two people become entangled, one person will conform to the energy of the other person. When one of them is a healer whose cells are vibrating at a higher level, the client's cells become entangled, and their energy is lifted. That's why that old saying, "physician heal thyself," is so important, even though most don't understand it: If the physician's energy is going to influence or, in scientific terms, "entrain" the patient's, the doctor's must be higher.
Q: So you have to change the environment -- including your thoughts -- if you want healing to be sustained?
Bruce Lipton: Yes. If your environment keeps draining your energy, it's like having a leaky bank account, where any money you're putting into the bank, such as by seeing an energy healer, keeps slipping out. You have to change your environment, including any harmful beliefs, before the energy can stay high.
Bruce Lipton: Yes. If your environment keeps draining your energy, it's like having a leaky bank account, where any money you're putting into the bank, such as by seeing an energy healer, keeps slipping out. You have to change your environment, including any harmful beliefs, before the energy can stay high.
Q: What about healing over a long distance? That's a hard concept for people -- including me -- to wrap our heads around.
Bruce Lipton: It's freaky, but it works, because energy isn't limited to a set spatial distance.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Doreen Virtue on 2012
Apparently I'm not the only one that's hyper-clearing & shielding right now... She talks about why.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
"Silly humans!" Kryon seminar in Boulder
Ever heard of Kryon? How about Lee Carroll, the engineer who has channeled Kryon (an angelic entity full of love for "silly humans" as he often calls us) for the last 23 years and the one who did the first book about about the Indigo kids? No? Then my friend, have you been living under a rock for the last 20 years? LOL Let me tell you about Kryon & Lee...
Kryon is a loving, angelic entity that only ever has positive things to say to us and about us. But he also "sees" that those drawn to him are "old souls," indeed those who were the first Lemurian souls that incarnated here on this little blue marble in the first true humans. And we are those who continue to return here again and again and again. Old souls that hold the light and the higher vibrations as us "silly humans" manage to evolve a higher and higher spiritual consciousness. Indeed, he recognizes all those who come and they recognize each other as "family."
Many of the old souls "don't get too close to bonfires....because most of you were placed in the middle of those bonfires once and sometimes several times...." So we keep our distance from them now, even unconsciously. That brought tears to the eyes of most of us in the room when he said that..."and come back and you continue to come back....again and again and again.... living the puzzle again and again putting the pieces together again and again and again...." The one thing most old souls are working on, on some level? "self worth..." Those bonfires did a lot of damage....
You will know if Kryon speaks to your'll feel it and it will bring tears to your eyes.... He's not political. He's not religious. He is controversial and he is truthful. He's not negative. He is positive. And he is accurate most of the time, even though he repeatedly points out to us that he deals only with "potentialities" on his side of the veil, so of course trying to put a timeline to anything is difficult. Some potentialities are stronger than others, meaning they are most likely to happen soon.
So, what were some of the "controversial" things Kryon told us about? Well, for one, Global Warming is NOT real and there are those who are just profiting from it for their own agendas. You know the ones. He says that we are in a climate cycle that we have lived thru before that starts with a small warming cycle, but which moves into a mini ice age. Please read that again. We're going into a mini ice age --- the same thing we have seen before in ice cores from the Antarctic....
Then he laughed and called us "Silly humans! Did you really think you were responsible for this?! Of course not..."
The weather will continue to be as wild as it has been because the world's oceans are actually cooling and replenishing the life in the sea. There are new species being found and migrating from the Antarctic ...which is the cradle of life.
Basically, what has happened is that we have MADE IT past the last check point without destroying ourselves!
(Those of you my age remember how we never thought we would make it out of high school! lol Watching the Vietnam War in living color every night on the 6 o'clock news, not to mention all the riots in the US then as well as the MAD (mutually assured destruction) deterrent we were locked into w/ the Soviets...)
There have been 4 points in the past (the 4 previous "worlds" the Hopi talk about) where we have failed to evolve and instead destroyed ourselves with war. This time, we made it and just passed the 5th check point. This time WE MADE IT! No one expected us to. Gaia didn't even expect us to. But we HAVE. And that's why she (Gaia) is refreshing the oceans with new species --- so we'll have food. :)
Don't take my word for it---go find an ecology professor who can tell you. It's much like a lake freezing over in the dead of on the top and the densest (and coldest) water at the bottom. During the spring thaw when the ice melts it churns up the bottom of the lake which provides more food for the algae and such---the bottom of the food chain. That is exactly what's starting to happen. The initial warming stage melts the polar ice caps enough to stir up currents of cold water that carry nutrients and new species thru the world's oceans. Cold water also carries more oxygen for our ocean relatives.
Dec 21, 2012 is not an end point as such---it is actually the 1/2 mark of a 36 year transition which is tied into the 26,000 year cycle. There are those who will be meeting in Maui then as part of the newly reconstituted "Lemurian Choir" to send tonal messages that have interdimensional vibration and reach and that are basically a signal (to the Pleadians in particular) that we've made it and that we're still here. :) (Go here for more details:
That was one of the main things Kryon talked about. The other was expounding on the 12th book that talks about 12-strand DNA (only 2 of those strands are physical, while the other 10 are spiritual). Interestingly enough, the Kabbalah also talks about DNA having spiritual strands... ;>
What to hear what Kryon sounds like? Here's the link to the free audio messages available on the website. The Boulder group set a new record this year at 240-250 attendees, shattering last years record and ranging in age from 16 to 87 years young. This type of small group usually only draws 75-100 folks.
We're awake! Many are awake and holding the light and sharing the light. The next 20 years hold even more advances in science & medicine and healing than the last 20... You've picked a very good time to be alive and well on our little blue marble. :)
until next time... be well, be happy, and enjoy the light!
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