This week we're talking about Free Will, or for those older Trekkies it's like the Prime Directive in the spiritual world. Free Will is the #1 rule in metaphysics and cosmic spirituality. Like the Prime Directive from Star Trek, it is the directive of Non-Interference.
Because of this primary rule, Angels or any other light beings cannot "interfere" in our lives or our life lessons unless we ask them for help. Of course, those beings whose vibrational level may not be as high as ours may not even be aware of this prime directive rule or they may willing ignore it. That is their choice, and they will suffer the consequences of that choice, especially in the effects of karma visited back on that soul in subsequent lives and situations.
So, it's because of this rule that we must remember to Ask for Help, and help is instantly and lovingly sent to us. So for those of us who tend to be very independent and who may have a hard time asking for help, but please understand that asking for help is NOT a sign of weakness. In fact, it's a sign of spiritual maturity in that you have recognized the illusions of the physical world and that you are now acknowledging the much wider universe and lifeforms and teachers and students and so forth.
Free Will. Because of this primary law, it is also why my personal political views tend to fall more towards the Libertarian side of the equation. Libertarians (not all, but most) tend to be a lot who are fiscally conservative and believe in small government, because they believe in more Individual Freedom (social "liberals" if you will).
What happens when government grows and it makes people dependent on it for everything (food, housing, income, healthcare, etc.) is that for it to provide those things to Everyone (the Collective or the Many), it infringes more and more on EACH INDIVIDUAL's RIGHTS by levying more & more taxes and more and more regulation and more and more rules. And as everyone knows, taxes have Never Been a voluntary payment (like donating to charity), but are indeed a Forced payment, and what many also realize is that this is counter to the founding documents and framework of our country, which is founded on INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS. (Personally I think that's why the Great Experiment has been so successful --- because of its recognition of Individual Rights and Free Will.)
Let's take welfare for example. Now, those of you who have ordered my e-book (it will be on Amazon by Sept 1) are familiar with my background and upbringing. You know that I came from a very poor family and was raised on a farm from the age of 4 or 5 until I was ~11 where there was no running water and no indoor plumbing. Back in those days poverty was measured by whether you had running water, indoor plumbing, and electricity; not by whether you had a microwave, cell phone, and wide screen TV. (Notice the change in baseline there...)
I remember a time right after we moved to the farm when my dad retired and mom hadn't found a job yet. (It would only be years later that I learned mom was getting her GED and finishing an AAS correspondence course so she could get a nursing job.) Now during that time, we were on food stamps for a short period. As soon as mom found a job we got off food stamps as quickly as possible, because at that time food stamps and welfare or assistance of any kind was still a source of shame to the family. (My people [an older, country term used to refer to your blood relatives] called it "relief" not welfare. The term "relief" goes back to the Great Depression when FDR created the "relief" or welfare program.)
I would often hear mom muttering (especially when telling me to wash behind my ears) that "we may be poor but that's no reason to be dirty." And in that rural area in those days it wasn't unusual at all to see a family with 3, 4 , or more kids with dirty faces in the grocery store or gas station.
So, please understand that I do believe in providing a financial safety net for those who may occasionally need help, but you do NOT stay on that financial safety net w/o trying to better yourself and get off of public assistance. It's a 'safety net' not a freaking way of life. We were raised to Take Care of Yourself and to be Responsible for Yourself. No one owes you a damn thing. In fact, years later I was talking to mom on the phone about something at work and whining (yes, hard to believe isn't it? lol) about something not being fair. And she actually said to me, "No one ever promised you it would be fair. No one ever promised you a thing."
And she was Right. After soaking that in for a while, it changed my attitude tremendously---because no one owed me anything. And the world was not and still is not fair. So you just need to deal with it. What we DO have in this country is the opportunity or playing field that is the same for everyone. The same rules for everyone.
Opportunity here is not limited by who your parents are, who you are related to, who you're married to, or who you know. It also not limited by how much money you have. Yes, it helps, but in this day and age stories of Internet entrepreneurs making millions is not unheard of. Even smaller goals such as just making 6 figures in this way are now common-place success stories. You can start a company or a business and provide a product or service, and IF there is a market for it (marketing is a whole other area...see my marketing website: it will sell and you will be a success.
Everyone here has the same opportunity to be a success. Now, will some have to work harder at it than others? Of course! It's like losing weight or learning. We have different skills and different talents and for some, success will come easier than others. Some will have a harder climb, but the opportunity to succeed as you see fit and as you define it, the opportunity to craft your life the way YOU want it to be is there. You WILL have to work for it, because no one will hand it to you on a silver platter. But we ALL have the same opportunity to make a success of our lives in the best way that we see fit. Now, that's Free Will. :)
Some will do it one way and some will do it another. The size of the pie is NOT LIMITED. When we start our own businesses and act on our own ideas, we are actually GROWING the size of the pie. Think about that for a moment, because it's an entirely different mind set from the one who thinks the size of the pie is set. It's the difference in seeing things from a ABUNDANCE view point versus a SCARCITY view point. (And by the way, those 2 issues are 2nd chakra issues, so if you're having physical problems in that area, I would also not be surprised if you were also exhibiting abundance & scarcity issues.)
Now, let's look at this from a metaphysical point of view. Many of my metaphysical friends believe in helping others. So do I. Where we often differ is that often they think that help should come from the government via the "redistribution of wealth" whereas I believe that I should be able to CHOOSE where I donate my time and my money, rather than having it decided for me by the government. The difference between the two is that of FREE WILL and INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS. Their viewpoint would Impose their beliefs on others, wheres mine leaves each individuals' beliefs and practices up to them.
Which belief do you think is more in align with Free Will and Non-Interference? And why do you think that?
blessings on your path,
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Working with the Angels: Clearing and Blessing your Home
We’ve been busy working on the e-book version of of our DIY booklet, so if you like that little gem, you’ll enjoy the e-book even more. It contains more information and more detail on everything from the angels we most frequently work with to the crystals and stones that are associated with them, and even a bit of history for some stones like turquoise and lapis lazuli.
We have details on entities and details on crystals and chakras and incense and smudging. And yes, we’ll be launching a new website page & domain to go with the book because this is just the first one of the series. We have at least 2 more planned in the series (Working with the Angels: Healing Meditations will be the next in the series).
We’ll let you know when the first one is available on Amazon, and we promise it will be affordable for everyone. We’ll keep the price at less than $5, probably at $2.99. ;>
clearing your space on a regular basis
You know how it is — you mean to do it, you try and do it on a regular basis, you always feel better after you do it, the problem is finding the time to do it. No, not working out (but all of those apply to that too!
) we’re talking about clearing your space on a regular basis.
It’s not hard to do (and our complimentary DIY booklet that we send as a thank you for signing up for our newsletter tells you how to do it). Anyone can do it. But it does take a little planning (gather up your incense or sage or essential oils) and a little time (start at the top or bottom of the house for a “quickie” include the property line if you have time).
So, should you put it on your calendar along with all the other things you “have” to do? Sure, if that works for you.
Should you just get into a routine and do it every other week or once a month or once a week? Sure, if that works for you.
What about just waiting until you “feel” like it needs it? Sure, that will work too and in fact that’s my preferred method. The reason is that people have differnt comfort levels, and as you work on clearing your own stuff and raising your own energy level what you’ll start to notice is that as you become more and more sensitive to the higher vibes, you’ll want to clear your space more and more frequently. And that’s perfectly normal and natural.
Your increased sensitivity means you’ll be “shining” brighter and brighter, which makes you more and more attractive to all sorts of entities and spirits. As more and more gather around you more frequently you feel like clearing your space more and more frequently.
So, use your intuition. Listen to your gut. And after you clear your space a few times and see how good it feels, I bet you’ll be doing it more often.
about who’s blog this is….
This is Melodie’s blog, the Director of Luna Wellness Center. She’ll post interesting things, odd things, and spiritual things. We’ll talk about angels and entities; crystals and energy healing; guided meditation and hypnosis; and everything in between.
Want to know about something you’re not finding here or in the rest of the site? Let us know and we’ll do our best to dig up some info for you.
energy healing,
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