You know how it is — you mean to do it, you try and do it on a regular basis, you always feel better after you do it, the problem is finding the time to do it. No, not working out (but all of those apply to that too!
) we’re talking about clearing your space on a regular basis.
It’s not hard to do (and our complimentary DIY booklet that we send as a thank you for signing up for our newsletter tells you how to do it). Anyone can do it. But it does take a little planning (gather up your incense or sage or essential oils) and a little time (start at the top or bottom of the house for a “quickie” include the property line if you have time).
So, should you put it on your calendar along with all the other things you “have” to do? Sure, if that works for you.
Should you just get into a routine and do it every other week or once a month or once a week? Sure, if that works for you.
What about just waiting until you “feel” like it needs it? Sure, that will work too and in fact that’s my preferred method. The reason is that people have differnt comfort levels, and as you work on clearing your own stuff and raising your own energy level what you’ll start to notice is that as you become more and more sensitive to the higher vibes, you’ll want to clear your space more and more frequently. And that’s perfectly normal and natural.
Your increased sensitivity means you’ll be “shining” brighter and brighter, which makes you more and more attractive to all sorts of entities and spirits. As more and more gather around you more frequently you feel like clearing your space more and more frequently.
So, use your intuition. Listen to your gut. And after you clear your space a few times and see how good it feels, I bet you’ll be doing it more often.