Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Join our FaceBook group! Emerging Old Souls, Lightworkers, Empaths & Sensitives


 Since many of us feel so all alone until we find the rest of our "tribe," and there seems to be an increasing need for open, honest, real information about so many things, several friends & I have started a new Facebook group to help address that need. Come join us! 

 It's a closed group so that the only people who see the posts are those inside the group. This is to preserve your privacy.

It's the Emerging Old Souls, Lightworkers, and Empaths Divine Support group. Just click the link & then Join group and we'll welcome you in with open arms & hearts.  :)

Hugs & Blessings,

 . . .  and welcome home!

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Blue Moon Violet Flame Meditation Event --- All are welcome! :) Help burn away mass consciousness fear & anxiety

We've noticed there's a lot of free floating anxiety & fear going on lately and this is an effort to focus and use our group energy to burn away some of that fear and lighten the load for everyone. 

So as you feel moved, please follow the general outline in the event at YOUR LOCAL TIME of 10:05 pm for 15 min or whatever length of time you feel moved to do, so that we'll have a Violet Flame Wave around the world to clear things out. :) 

Each local time doing it sets up a wave that moves around the world --- this lasts longer and I believe burns more fear & anxiety than one big push would. 

I have done this is some closed groups on Facebook and have decided to host my own public event that is open to and welcomes all. :)  Because of the group focus and energy, this can be a very powerful meditation especially if you are or consider yourself an Empath, Intuitive, Sensitive, Energy Healer, Reiki practitioner / master, or a Lightworker of any type in any way shape or form. We tend to be more sensitive to the energies to begin with, and this free-floating stuff is often caused by / created by mass media. 

Please join us! Invite your friends! Add your LIGHT to our LIGHT!  Help us push back the shadows and burn away the fear & anxiety the old energy wants us to feel. Shadows run from LIGHT!  And Violet Flame Light & Energy are transformative.  If you're not familiar with Violet Flame work, think of it as a UV Light to disinfect and purify yourselves, others, and Mother Earth herself. 

Namaste & thank you friends!  We produce more light together! :) 

Hugs & Blessings --- You are LOVED by the All that Is, Mother Earth, and Sensitives & Lightworkers from around the world. 

Violet Flame Dragon --- Merlin / St. Germaine works with them and so can you!