Thursday, July 17, 2014

Lightworkers --- your help is needed tonight

Lightworkers! Your help is needed around the world tonight. Healing energies, loving thoughts, pink energy to calm emotions and ease transitions. To help with that, here's a Golden Healing Angel image channeled by Naomi Watts to help us focus and send a request / affirmation / prayer to the Divine and Archangels to help our little blue planet that's in so much turmoil tonight from the little humans all over her surface...

Raphael, Gabriel, Uriel, and Michael.... 
Watchers of the World, 
Angels of the four winds and cardinal directions of Mother Earth

We ask for your help,
Which help is sorely needed tonight in many places around the Earth 
To diffuse tense situations
Calm angry emotions 
And help those transition who passed into the Spirit Realm so suddenly today

We ask that you send the excess energy from all of these situations 
Deep into Mother Earth 
Who can use them and transmute them
To help Her heal and become something positive
Something full of life and love and hope

And so it is, and so shall it be
Diffused and Transmuted
three by three....

When you think of the hot spots over the next few days, please direct your thoughts to this request to the Archangel Watchers and the Divine for transmutation of the energies. Our Light Being friends can't help until asked because of the whole free will, non-interference Universal Law experiment going on here on Mother Earth.

Namaste' Lightworker friends... and thank you.