We launched the Luna Wellness Herbals store on Etsy today and have several products available. We'll be adding more as soon I get the consistency right on some of the ones on my counter. :D Right now we're only shipping to customers in the US but if you see something you like, either convo me in Etsy or e-mail me at Luna Wellness or post a comment here with your location & I'll check the shipping and paperwork needed to ship it to you, give the quote and then we can handle things through PayPal. :)
One thing we've made and will continue to carry is the Essiac 4-Herb Salve in both 2 ounce and 8 ounce sizes. I've only seen a similar salve on one other site online and I'm pretty sure there's a big need for it. We'll be adding other similar salves soon as well.
We're also going to focus on carrying products I'm calling "vibrational enhancers" because those who are sensitive to energies (like me) --- Reiki Masters and energy healers --- should also feel the difference in the energies while using them the same way I do. And yes, the Essiac Salve is one of those vibrational enhancers.
Here's the link: https://www.etsy.com/shop/LunaWellnessHerbals
We'll let you know when more products are up. I'm finishing up a couple of batches of body butters & lip balm that will go up soon. How does Golden Honey Almond lip balm strike you? ;>