Friday, November 25, 2011

Energy & Cooking: make sure the food you're putting in your mouth is made w/ love

I was talking to a friend a FB the other day (she's a school counselor) because she had posted something about offering a therapeutic cooking class. To which I chimed in and pointed out that many believe that you should not be cooking for your family when in a foul, angry, or negative mood because your energy is also infused into the food while you're preparing it and in a very real sense you'll be feeding that dark energy to your family. Better to wait until the foulness has passed and you can ensure that the only energy getting infused into the food you and everyone else is about to eat is filled with love, joy, and happy emotions.

Many cultures apply this rule not only to cooking but also to making crafts, especially when whatever is produced will be used daily and in close contact with you or whoever you're giving the item to. For example, quilts for bedding; afghans & throws whether sewed, crocheted, or knitted; ceremonial clothing; medicine bags; mojo bags; and so forth. 

If you look closely you'll see this in many different spiritual beliefs and many different cultural beliefs. And I believe there's a decent basis for it. Think about it. If most of us would SLOW DOWN enough to prepare a decent meal infused with love, joy, and peaceful energy our digestion would be better and as a nation there would be less acid reflex & indigestion. 

Slowing down enough would also help us all keep our waists a bit smaller. :) It takes the brain 15 to 20 minutes to realize there's food in your stomach after you begin eating. So if you're eating in a rush (like most do for lunch grabbed and eaten at your desk), chances are you're wolfing down more calories and simple carbs than you think before your brain even knows there's something on the way! 

Infusing your food with energy intentionally is something many learn in their first level Reiki energy healing class. Using the Reiki Power Symbol over your food before eating it can help to boost its nutritional value as well as help clear it of some things that might not be very good for us. 

If you grow your own herbs or tomato plants or have a small garden, you can take this a step further by infusing your plants with Reiki or healing energy while they're growing. 

And yes indeed, talking is good for plants. It might be because you're breathing CO2 on them (which they use and then give us O2 for in exchange), it might be because they are Alive and in some studies have shown responses you might not think possible, like recognizing a person who has destroyed one of them. (See The Secret Life of Plants, originally published in the early 70s and still in print! In any case, plants love Reiki and healing energy and they will flourish if you provide this to them on a regular basis. If you don't know Reiki, just talk to them and focus on them and send them positive, healing thoughts and thank them for the job they do. Intention means everything in energy healing work.

A similar work has been done on water in the books by Masaru Emoto ( The books contain images showing the crystalline structure of water just normally, after it's been blessed, after words of love and appreciation have been spoken to it, and after words of hate and darkness are spoken. The crystalline structure is most beautiful and strong after we speak to it in love and thank it for sustaining us.

Anyway, there's some food for thought at the end of this Thanksgiving day. :)