Sunday, January 29, 2012

Working with your Angels: Clearing & Blessing your Home is available in Kindle format

The first book in the Working with your Angels series Clearing and Blessing your Home is available on Amazon in Kindle format and is very reasonably priced.

Best viewing is in the Kindle for PC mode, but if you don't mind black & white photos, it will work on the hand held devices just as well.

A paperback version will follow shortly. Enjoy!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Free MP3 of Kryon in Boulder is up

The audio of the Boulder seminar Kryon channeling is up and available on the website. On the free audio page, scroll down to the bottom and click the Boulder 2012 link.  Enjoy!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Bruce Lipton on Energy Healing & Quantum Entanglement

I just ran across this great article at Huffington Post where Bruce Lipton explains Energy Healing, how & why it works, quantum entanglement, and why distance healing works. Bruce is a cell biologist & was a prof at NIH, Stanford, and U Wisconsin (among other places). 

If your analytical side is as strong as mine (I'm also trained as a biologist), you look for these gems that help explain what your "woo woo" side already accepts and has witnessed. :)


Q: Is it possible to scientifically explain energy healing?

Bruce Lipton:
 Absolutely. There's a concept in quantum physics called "entanglement," which is when one energy source entangles with another so that they interfere with each other. This interference can be positive and harmonious, as with energy healing, or it can be negative.
Physicist Amit Goswami published an article in a physics journal showing that entanglement affects people. He had two people meditate together and then separated them into two chambers where they couldn't see or hear one another. When one person had a light strobed by his eye, it caused the firing of a certain frequency in the brain. Remarkably, at the same moment, the other person's brain also fired, even though he never saw the light. This proves what we intuitively knew, that the energies of people can affect one another.
Q: What exactly happens in an energy healing session, then?

Bruce Lipton:
 What Goswami's study demonstrated is that when two people become entangled, one person will conform to the energy of the other person. When one of them is a healer whose cells are vibrating at a higher level, the client's cells become entangled, and their energy is lifted. That's why that old saying, "physician heal thyself," is so important, even though most don't understand it: If the physician's energy is going to influence or, in scientific terms, "entrain" the patient's, the doctor's must be higher.
Q: So you have to change the environment -- including your thoughts -- if you want healing to be sustained?

Bruce Lipton:
 Yes. If your environment keeps draining your energy, it's like having a leaky bank account, where any money you're putting into the bank, such as by seeing an energy healer, keeps slipping out. You have to change your environment, including any harmful beliefs, before the energy can stay high.
Q: What about healing over a long distance? That's a hard concept for people -- including me -- to wrap our heads around.
Bruce Lipton: It's freaky, but it works, because energy isn't limited to a set spatial distance.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Doreen Virtue on 2012

Apparently I'm not the only one that's hyper-clearing & shielding right now...  She talks about why.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

"Silly humans!" Kryon seminar in Boulder

Ever heard of Kryon?  How about Lee Carroll, the engineer who has channeled Kryon (an angelic entity full of love for "silly humans" as he often calls us) for the last 23 years and the one who did the first book about about the Indigo kids? No? Then my friend, have you been living under a rock for the last 20 years? LOL  Let me tell you about Kryon & Lee...

Kryon is a loving, angelic entity that only ever has positive things to say to us and about us. But he also "sees" that those drawn to him are "old souls," indeed those who were the first Lemurian souls that incarnated here on this little blue marble in the first true humans. And we are those who continue to return here again and again and again. Old souls that hold the light and the higher vibrations as us "silly humans" manage to evolve a higher and higher spiritual consciousness. Indeed, he recognizes all those who come and they recognize each other as "family."

Many of the old souls "don't get too close to bonfires....because most of you were placed in the middle of those bonfires once and sometimes several times...." So we keep our distance from them now, even unconsciously. That brought tears to the eyes of most of us in the room when he said that..."and come back and you continue to come back....again and again and again.... living the puzzle again and again putting the pieces together again and again and again...." The one thing most old souls are working on, on some level? "self worth..."  Those bonfires did a lot of damage....

You will know if Kryon speaks to your'll feel it and it will bring tears to your eyes.... He's not political. He's not religious. He is controversial and he is truthful. He's not negative. He is positive. And he is accurate most of the time, even though he repeatedly points out to us that he deals only with "potentialities" on his side of the veil, so of course trying to put a timeline to anything is difficult. Some potentialities are stronger than others, meaning they are most likely to happen soon. 

So, what were some of the "controversial" things Kryon told us about? Well, for one, Global Warming is NOT real and there are those who are just profiting from it for their own agendas. You know the ones. He says that we are in a climate cycle that we have lived thru before that starts with a small warming cycle, but which moves into a mini ice age. Please read that again. We're going into a mini ice age --- the same thing we have seen before in ice cores from the Antarctic.... 

Then he laughed and called us "Silly humans! Did you really think you were responsible for this?!  Of course not..."

The weather will continue to be as wild as it has been because the world's oceans are actually cooling and replenishing the life in the sea. There are new species being found and migrating from the  Antarctic ...which is the cradle of life.

Basically, what has happened is that we have MADE IT past the last check point without destroying ourselves! 

(Those of you my age remember how we never thought we would make it out of high school! lol Watching the Vietnam War in living color every night on the 6 o'clock news, not to mention all the riots in the US then as well as the MAD (mutually assured destruction) deterrent we were locked into w/ the Soviets...) 

There have been 4 points in the past (the 4 previous "worlds" the Hopi talk about) where we have failed to evolve and instead destroyed ourselves with war. This time, we made it and just passed the 5th check point. This time WE MADE IT! No one expected us to. Gaia didn't even expect us to. But we HAVE. And that's why she (Gaia) is refreshing the oceans with new species --- so we'll have food. :)

Don't take my word for it---go find an ecology professor who can tell you. It's much like a lake freezing over in the dead of on the top and the densest (and coldest) water at the bottom. During the spring thaw when the ice melts it churns up the bottom of the lake which provides more food for the algae and such---the bottom of the food chain.  That is exactly what's starting to happen. The initial warming stage melts the polar ice caps enough to stir up currents of cold water that carry nutrients and new species thru the world's oceans. Cold water also carries more oxygen for our ocean relatives.

Dec 21, 2012 is not an end point as such---it is actually the 1/2 mark of a 36 year transition which is tied into the 26,000 year cycle. There are those who will be meeting in Maui then as part of the newly reconstituted "Lemurian Choir" to send tonal messages that have interdimensional vibration and reach and that are basically a signal (to the Pleadians in particular) that we've made it and that we're still here. :) (Go here for more details:

That was one of the main things Kryon talked about. The other was expounding on the 12th book that talks about 12-strand DNA (only 2 of those strands are physical, while the other 10 are spiritual). Interestingly enough, the Kabbalah also talks about DNA having spiritual strands... ;>

What to hear what Kryon sounds like? Here's the link to the free audio messages available on the website. The Boulder group set a new record this year at 240-250 attendees, shattering last years record and ranging in age from 16 to 87 years young. This type of small group usually only draws 75-100 folks. 

We're awake! Many are awake and holding the light and sharing the light. The next 20 years hold even more advances in science & medicine and healing than the last 20... You've picked a very good time to be alive and well  on our little blue marble. :)

until next time... be well, be happy, and enjoy the light!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

reincarnation: is it real?

As a hypnotist, I've experienced and guided many clients through past lives and future lives. When I was doing radio regularly, reincarnation (and dreams) was always one of the more lively and popular topics. Usually when the topic comes up, one of the first questions asked was:  "Is it real?"

In those days, instead of stirring the hornets nest, I'd say something like "As a hypnotherapist, I don't care whether it's real or not. When I do therapy around whatever the problem whether it's in a past life or not it takes care of the problem."  These days if you asked me that question, I might give you a more forceful answer. :)  These days you'd get something like, "ya know, 99% of the world's population believes in reincarnation." And then if pressed I'd tell them I have indeed experienced past lives and future lives and I do indeed believe they're real. 

In fact, I went deep into hypnosis and hypnotherapy because I was having bleed through from past lives into this life and I needed to see and experience some of those past lives for myself. My very first hypnosis session that was guided by someone other than me was for past life exploration. That past life bleed through would continue for me until a few years ago when some intensive energy work finally cleared the causes and then re-established those natural boundaries that most are born with that block the bleed through. 

It's quite interesting to me to note that reincarnation is validated by the Kabbalah, Reiki and other energy healing modalities, hypnosis and hypnotherapy, Wiccans, Witches, Pagans, and many of the world's religions. 

For years I've been explaining this as simply as possible to interested folks using a hub-and-spoke (wagon wheel) metaphor. In this elegant analogy, the hub (center of the wagon wheel) is the higher self / soul self / soul and each spoke on the wheel leads to a different life. The only place where Time actually exists is on the outer rim of the wheel where each of the lives is taking place; the center where the soul / higher self lives is outside of time. 

Now realize that all of those lives, however many there might be, are going on simultaneously---all at the same time. The reason your subconscious knows about them is that because for it all time is NOW; it doesn't experience past, present, future or linear time. In essence, it is connected to the higher self / soul self like concentric circles---the conscious self is the outer most circle, then the subconscious inside that, then the higher self / soul consciousness (also known as the supra-conscious) self at the core. 

Because all the lives exist at the same time and not in a linear fashion for the higher self / soul self all the work you do here in this life on your spiritual self and raising yourself and your vibration higher----in Kabbalah you change the world by manifesting changes in yourself and helping others to change---also helps raise the vibration and spirituality in your other lives and other versions or aspects of YOU. Interestingly, the Kabbalah also verifies that here in this reality is the only one of the 10 dimensions that experience time and space. The only one.

If you do any type of energy healing, most of you know that you can intentionally "send" distance healing not only to other physical people in your time, but that you can also send healing to all aspects of that person in whatever life they are in, in whatever time (as well as to specific situations or relationships, which can be quite helpful if you have a lot of karma going on with someone) they are in.

What was surprising to me is that Kabbalah teachings also validate reincarnation and that time only exists in this dense physical reality! Well, I mean it did...and it didn't. Because what I've noticed time and time and time again is that the Universal Truths (and I believe reincarnation is one of those) show up in the world's religions and philosophies no matter what tradition you're looking at, which is really kind of cool. The Truth has a way of making itself known. :)

Some traditions say we'll ALL continue to reincarnate until a critical mass of us is enlightened enough to bring the entire population UP at the same time. Some modern channeled entities (Kryon; you can listen to him here: says that critical mass isn't nearly as large as you think:  It's only 1/2 of 1% of the population. That's not a lot. It's entirely do-able in our lifetimes here and now.

I'm going to a live Kryon channeling in the Boulder on Saturday afternoon (Jan 14th) and I'll share info about it after here. 

As for all of you other "old souls" out there (and I know you're reading this and hitting it from around the world (which blew me away when I first saw it!) I *know* there are enough of us to hold the light to do it!  

Interestingly again, the Kabbalah says something like "As always, what is true for a single human soul is also true for all humanity. As long as anyone of us falls short of transformation, we will continue to participate in the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth –as will humanity as a whole, until the critical mass of truly enlightened people comes into being to eradicate pain and death forever."  (Read more here:

It is very similar to the story of Kwan Yin, a goddess closely associated with some advanced Karuna /  Tibetian Reiki. Kwan Yin who was born of a tear from Buddha had achieved enlightenment and was on the verge of entering nirvana when she heard the cries of humanity and its pain. So strong was her empathy and mercy and love of us that she turned away vowing not to enter until we could ALL enter nirvana together. So she returned to us and helps us, like all the other ascended masters and teachers and angels we call on. Like the angels, she comes to anyone who calls on her and she's at your side instantaneously. 

And on that note on this evening of the full wolf moon, I wish you all Light Blessings until next time.  :)

Sunday, January 8, 2012

kabbalist thought for the day

What if we're just playing a cosmic game of hide-and-seek w/ the Divine---the Light?

What if we said, "Hey! it's just too easy to bask here in the free gift of Everything. Let us earn it! Let's play a game!" And before you could say "big bang" off we went....the Light hiding while we counted to 10. ;>

That kind of puts an entirely different spin on things, doesn't it? :)