So I've been a bit absent here the last month or so and that's because there has been much going on in my life and little time to write about here to let you all know. :) Probably the biggest news is that, as many of you know, I've held ULC ministerial titles since 2003, but lately I'd been feeling a pull to do something a bit more --- so when I stumbled across the Esoteric Interfaith Seminary while doing some research for the next book (the one on the Divine Feminine), I took a closer look.
If you've read my first book, you know I have a major problem with most organized religions and prefer to refer to myself as spiritual or a seeker or even a Gnostic or green witch if pushed to hang a label on what I believe. Most of all, I am a purple sheep, a learner, and walking my own path on my own spiritual journey.
Anyway, the more I looked at them the more I liked what I saw. The pages I had stumbled across initially about Magdalene and the Divine Feminine also referred to Jeshua by his given name. So, after talking to the Senior Minister / Bishop there, I submitted my first book (Working with your Angels: Clearing and Blessing your Home) as my thesis, which was accepted for the DDiv degree. :)
This additional ordination and degree provides additional protection for my clients when I'm working with them, wherever they may be in the world and however we are working together, whether that is via e-mail, phone, Skype, or in person. All of our work together now falls under spiritual counseling, pastoral counseling, and ministerial counseling.
And yea, I can call myself "Rev. Dr." now just as soon as the paperwork arrives not to mention performing weddings / hand fastings, funerals, and rites of passage as needed in all 50 states. :)
in the Light until next time,