Sunday, July 22, 2012

soul contracts, evolving, ascension & crazy shootings

December 2013 Update:  Friday afternoon another shooting occurred at Arapahoe High School.  This location is only about 5 miles away from me. Fortunately or unfortunately however you'd like to look at it, the Sheriff's departments in Colorado have had more than their share of responding to mass shootings over the 15 years, starting with Columbine in '99. They shut it down within 5 minutes of the radio call from a deputy who was at the high school when the shooting began. Apparently the kid (senior) was kicked off the debate team and that's the teacher/librarian he was targeting. Really? Because he was kicked off the debate team? Are we as a society not teaching our kids how to control or deal with their anger? You can't just damp it down, but you also don't kill people over it. You acknowledge it because ALL feelings must be honored even if they are not good or positive or high vibration. You acknowledge it and let it move through you. You look at the reason and if it's something you can do something about then do but in your own self because all we really control in this life is our own actions and reactions. We can't control others. 

I know there are other out there that don't agree with that because when I have voiced this opinion before they have tried to shut me down. But when you shut down your emotions ---- even if only the "bad" or negative ones ---- what you don't realize is that the other, good and positive emotions follow as well. And that's not good for anyone. We're humans. We're emotional, both good and bad emotions. We're not Mr. Spock from Star Trek, and even he had emotional outbursts from his human half all the time. I know this because I speak from experience. You tell anyone to shut down half of their emotional body and you will get an explosion from it sooner or later. 

September 2012 Update:  Little did I know when I wrote the entry above how many other mass shootings would occur this summer.  Recently, a Kryon message about soul contracts surfaced when he received a question from someone incarcerated for killing another while drunk driving. In the typical Kryon fashion, the answer was (besides that yes there was some agreement to do this) to look around where you are and what good can you cause to come of this? To not squander the opportunity given with such love...  obviously speaking from a higher level of consciousness there. He advised those involved to not get stuck in the drama or "victimization" but to move past it and to make certain that such a gift---the life--- was remembered and the gift used well. Please, remember those... all of those... who gave such a gift of love so that lessons could be learned and light shed. Blessings and God/Goddess be with us all....

I live in Colorado. Moved here from the East Coast not long after Columbine (99) --- I arrived in Feb 2000 and Columbine was still fresh in everyone's memory.  Still is.... never gone, just not on the tip of everyone's tongues anymore.  Columbine was the first of the mass shootings that would between then and now happen around the country in various places and even around the world--- Norway. Its 1 year anniversary was this weekend.

When we woke up to the goings on in Aurora Friday morning, everyone here was stunned. Phone calls were flying before my alarm even went off  --- I work for an East Coast company for my "day job" and and there are several of us in Colorado employed by them --- at least 10 on my team and probably another 10 on a different team.

When I was talking to HR on my way to work, I told them that we'd need to be extra sensitive to anyone who had been involved in Columbine because this incident would just rip the psychological scars right off. Unfortunately, I was right. Unbeknownst to me I would learn later that morning that one of my team members had indeed been at Columbine HS as a student during the incident in 99. 

Later, another team member who has a bit more of a "woo woo" bent (like me) sent this message:

All I kept thinking about when I read about the shootings was “contracts”.  Someone had to agree to come down here to do the shooting and others agreed to be victims.  It’s times like this that I feel I may end up back here on earth again because I haven’t evolved enough to put my head around all the “whys”.  You know what I mean?"
So my reply to her (below) sent off a bunch of verification signals for me & I thought I would share it here for anyone else trying to make metaphysical sense of it all. I hope it helps, in its own small way.

Yes….  All I can say is that at times like this it is easier to think about it (things here) as if it were a play--- and we all picked our parts and put contracts in place….because we’re all just a bunch of grad students and learning about the Light and the Dark… and the nature of each…. Things like this… will also be increasing in occurrence….  The increased energy, not everyone can handle.  There are some who are not “jumping” to the next higher dimension who will stay here to help w/ stuff like this….  Those who can’t or won’t evolve up will re-incarnate on another 3-D Earth that’s being prepared… because our little blue planet is also evolving up…. :) And that’s why there is so much help here now… angels, ascended masters, all kinds of helpers & healers from many different dimensions & many different times… I know some of that may sound “way out” there…

I'm fairly certain that I'll be one of the ones who stays behind to help. Many things in my experience point to this, including the ability to venture into areas that are "dark" for long periods of time while maintaining my own bubble of light. Many of my friends cannot venture into those places let alone stay there for very long. But those dark places are also the places where Light is needed to the most.

So, the next obvious question is why Colorado first? My instinct tells me it's because of the altitude. Thinner atmosphere and less protection from the increase of photons & energy that we're experiencing and will continue to experience for the rest of our lifetimes. It's part of what the whole 2012 & ascension thing is all about.

My teammate then proceeded to say something to the effect that "sometimes, I think we're closer to the end of the world than we know...."

To which I responded (again w/ verification signals all over), "we are both closer and farther away than you think..."

Those who won't be jumping, will stay in 3-D. They will live their lives out here, go thru the death process & be re-born into another 3-D "earth" that is being prepared now. 

Those who are going to jump with Mother Earth will help her make the jump. This is something that has been in the works for eons... millions of years, and actually getting her to the point of jumping is something many of us have been working on thru many, many lifetimes on this beautiful little blue planet.

So, see it for what it is. Recognize that our souls are indeed immortal and that all is not as it appears here. Be at peace with your life, your decisions, and your soul.  And we'll all reunite on the other side....before picking our parts and doing it all again.  

Namaste' my friends. And may God/Goddess be with you all. 

Sunday, July 15, 2012

info on the mind / body connection

Sometimes I am just amazed that things I have written and published several years ago are still getting hits (and sometimes a lot of hits) today!  I have a hypnosis blog (that I really haven't been adding much information too lately) and the post on the mind / body connection and how it relates to energy healing and hypnosis keeps coming in at the top of the charts.

If you're interested, take a look over here at the post on Hypnotic Melodie.